Admirals CourtAdmiral WayAldermaston StationAldermaston WharfAnglo European CollegeArlington Business ParkAssembly RoomsAtherton RoadAvon WayBadgers WoodBaily AvenueBalgavies Loch Nature ReserveBarfield RoadBattalion WayBattle CloseBeaulieu AvenueBeenham HatchBeenham TurnBerkeley AvenueBerkshire ArmsBirchwood RoadBirdwood GroveBishopswood Road ShopsBlagrave Street (Stop Ep)Bourne RoadBradfield CollegeBraemore CloseBrewery CourtBridgeBrimpton Lane HouseBrimpton Post OfficeBuckerell Lodge HotelBurghfield RoadBuscot Hill TopBus Station (Stop L)Byles GreenCalcot Mill LaneCalcot PrioryCalcot Sainsbury'S (Stop 1)Calleva ParkCanal BridgeCastle Street (Stop Cq)Chalkpit CottagesChamberhouse FarmCharnham LaneChase View EstateCheapside (Stop Cv)Chestnut MeadowChurchCircuit LaneClive RestaurantClocksbriggsCoach And HorsesCoachmans CourtCods HillCold Ash Post OfficeCold Ash Primary SchoolColdstream WayColey AvenueCollegeCollins Caravan CentreColthrop LaneCompasses InnCondor RoundaboutCouncil OfficesCounty HallCrematoriumCresswell RoadCromwell RoadCrookham End HouseCrookham ParkCropper CloseCrossroadsDeadman'S LaneDelme ArmsDenford Lodge
Derwent RoadDown End RoadDownshire SquareDryden CloseElcot TurnElmsideEnglefield GatesEntranceExeter Trust HouseFalcon FieldsFalcon TriangleFalmouth Way TopFerndale CourtFernhurst RoadFir Tree Primary SchoolFlagstaff SquareFootball ClubForesterseat Road EndFriar Street (Stop Fp)GarageGarden CentreGarden Centre - Pound LaneGeorge'S Meeting HouseGlebelandsGolf ClubGolf Club West GateGreenGreenhead Road EndGreen LaneGreenwood RoadHalfway Farm CottagesHalfway InnHambridge RoadHardy CloseHare And HoundsHarts Hill FootHartshill RoadHawthorn RoadHeadingstone PlaceHeath RoadHerongateHighcroft KennelsHighfield FarmHigh StreetHigh Street (Stop 2)Hillfoot CottagesHolloway StreetHoney End LaneHoneylands Children'S CentreHorncastleHornie PlayparkHospitalHungerford DriveHungerford LaneHuntsmoor RoadHurford DriveHyde End LaneIkeaInfocusIsca CollegeJute CloseKettering CloseKilmiston DriveKintbury Cross RoadsKnighton Bus StationKnighton HospitalKnollmeadLadywell JctLakeside AvenueLamb CloseLangley HillLavelock LeaLedbury DriveLeypark RoadLibraryLiebenrood Road
Lima CourtLion HotelLittle Aldershot LaneLittle Park HouseLone BarnManor FarmMatthews CloseMayfield AvenueMcculloch DriveMidgham KennelsMilehouse CottagesMountbatten CloseMount PleasantMount Wear SquareNalderhill RoadNevil CourtNewbury Wharf (Bay A)Newbury Wharf (Bay B)Newbury Wharf (Bay G)Newbury Wharf (Stop H)Newcourt WayNewport RoadNile RoadNorthwayNursery StreetOak Tree RoadObserver DriveOdeon Cinema (Stop 24)Offa`S Dyke CentreOmaha DriveOxford StreetPadworth LaneParish ChurchParkside RoadPark Way (Stop P)Park Way (Stop Q)Park Way Top (Stop R)Park Way Top (Stop S)Paynesdown RoadPeach'S StoresPease HillPemberton GardensPeppercombe AvenuePig LanePlay PlattPrecinctPrior Road DepotProsen PlaceRacecourseRadnor DriveRail CrossingRailway StationReading Stadium Bus Park (North Entrance)Recreation GroundRennes HouseRetail ParkRivermead RoadRiver Plate RoadRoad EndRocke CottageRoundaboutRussell StreetRussell WayRydon ParkSandown AvenueSchoolScotland CornerShaw Road FootSheridan CrescentShopsSidwell Street (Stop 20)Sidwell Street (Stop 36)Siege Cross RoundaboutSilchester RoadSix Bells PhSkyllings
Southbrook RoadSouthcote RoadSouthdown RoadSouth LodgeSouth Street (Stop 41)Spring InnStation RoadStation Road (Stop Sd)Steep CloseSt Margaret'S ParkSt. Mark'S ChurchSt Marys Butts (Stop Ca)St Mary'S Catholic SchoolStoneyfieldStoney LaneSwan InnTarbet AvenueTesco Filling StationThatcham BroadwayThatcham CemeteryThatcham Park SchoolThatcham StationTheale Green SchoolThe AngelThe Blade BoneThe CrematoriumThe CriftinsThe CrownThe Four AshesThe GreenThe Green ManThe HillwayThe Hurst Community CollegeThe LodgeThe Nags Head PhThe Old MillThe Queens HeadThe Queen VictoriaThe SeagullThe StreetThe Sun GarageThe TyndingsThornford ParkThornford RoadToll CrescentTorcross GroveTourist Information CtreTown HallTravellers FriendVictoria LodgeVictor RoadVictory HallVincent RoadWar MemorialWarwick RoadWaylen StreetWellington GardensWemyss FarmWenlock WayWest Berkshire Community Hospital (Main Entrance)West Berkshire CrematoriumWester RestennethWesterton Road EndWestfield CrescentWestfield Road WestWhipton Barton ShopsWhitehills HcccWidgery RoadWigmore LaneWigmore Lane EastWigmore RoadWinning HandWinston WayYoungs Industrial Estate
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