Mostra ônibus, trolebus e bondes via GPS
Mostra ônibus, trolebus e bondes via GPS
O serviço mostra a localização de ônibus, trolebus e bondes através do sistema de posicionamento por satélite GPS/GLONASS. Você pode saber onde está o transporte público e decidir quando ir para a parada.
início - fim / header / cause / effect | description |
- stop relocation NoneNone | <p>Stop relocation!</p><br><p>Due to construction works, the service of the following lines will be modified:</p><br><ul><li><br><p><strong>Trolleybuslines 70 and 78</strong> are running on diverted routes. The <em>Kossuth Lajos M</em> stop is relocated in Báthory utca to Honvéd utca.</p><br></li></ul> Trolebus 78Trolebus 70 |
- runs on a diverted route, does not stop at at Kálvin tér M, Ferenciek tere M and Szervita tér towards Gyöngyösi utca M NoneDETOUR | <ul><li>Bus <strong>15</strong> runs on a diverted route, does not stop between <i>Fővám tér M</i> and <i>Erzsébet tér</i> towards Gyöngyösi utca M.</li></ul> Ônibus 15 |
- stop relocation NoneNone | <p>Stop relocation!</p><br><p>Due to construction works, the service of the following lines will be modified:</p><br><ul><li>The <em>Budafoki út / Dombóvári út </em>stop of <strong>buslines 33 and 133E</strong> running to Móricz Zsigmond körtér M and Újpalota, Nyírpalota út is relocated to the stop of busline 901.</li><li>The <em>Budafoki út / Dombóvári út</em> stop of <strong>buslines 107 and 154</strong> running to Keleti pályaudvar M and Gazdagréti tér is relocated to Dombóvári út.</li></ul> Ônibus 133EÔnibus 107Ônibus 33Ônibus 154 |
- does not stop at Szobránc köz towards Puskás Ferenc Stadion M DEMONSTRATIONREDUCED_SERVICE | <ul><li>Trolleybus <strong>77</strong> does not stop at <i>Szobránc köz</i> towards Puskás Ferenc Stadion M.</li></ul> Trolebus 77 |
- runs on a diverted route, does not stop at Hízlaló tér towards Udvarhely utca CONSTRUCTIONDETOUR | <ul><li>Bus <strong>99</strong> runs on a diverted route, does not stop between <i>Fertő utca / Bihari utca</i> and <i>Basa utca</i> towards Pesterzsébet, Mátyás király tér.</li></ul> Ônibus 99 |
- stop relocation NoneNone | <p>Due to utility works, the <em>Királyhágó utca</em> stop of buses <strong>105</strong>, <strong>210</strong> and <strong>210B </strong>to Apor Vilmos tér, Svábhegy and Normafa has been relocated further back, ahead of Alkotás utca.</p> Ônibus 210Ônibus 210BÔnibus 105 |
- runs diverted, without stops at Kapistrán tér and Szentháromság tér NoneDETOUR | <ul><li>Bus <strong>16</strong> runs on a diverted route, does not stop between <i>Bécsi kapu tér</i> and <i>Dísz tér</i> towards Deák Ferenc tér M.</li><li>Bus <strong>116</strong> and <strong>16A</strong> runs on a diverted route, does not stop between <i>Bécsi kapu tér</i> and <i>Dísz tér</i> towards Dísz tér.</li><li>Night line <strong>916</strong> runs on a diverted route, does not stop between <i>Bécsi kapu tér</i> and <i>Dísz tér</i> towards Uránia.</li></ul> Ônibus 16Ônibus 16AÔnibus 116Ônibus 916 |
- runs on a diverted route between Egressy út / Hungária körút and Puskás Ferenc Stadion M towards Puskás Ferenc Stadion M DEMONSTRATIONDETOUR | <ul><li>Trolleybus <strong>77</strong> runs on a diverted route, does not stop between <i>Egressy út / Hungária körút</i> and <i>Puskás Ferenc Stadion M</i> towards Puskás Ferenc Stadion M.</li></ul> Trolebus 77 |
- does not stop at Egressy út / Stefánia út and Szobránc köz towards Kőbánya alsó vasútállomás DEMONSTRATIONREDUCED_SERVICE | <ul><li>Trolleybus <strong>75</strong> does not stop at <i>Egressy út / Stefánia út</i> and <i>Szobránc köz</i> towards Kőbánya alsó vasútállomás.</li><li>Trolleybus <strong>75A</strong> does not stop at <i>Egressy út / Stefánia út</i> and <i>Szobránc köz</i> towards Puskás Ferenc Stadion M.</li></ul> Trolebus 75ATrolebus 75 |
- runs with increased travel time between Szigetszentmiklós, Szabadság utca and Lakihegy, Cseresznyés utca towards Csepel, Szent Imre tér NoneSIGNIFICANT_DELAYS | <ul><li>Bus <strong>38</strong> and <strong>238</strong> runs with increased travel time between <i>Szigetszentmiklós, Szabadság utca</i> and <i>Lakihegy, Cseresznyés utca</i> towards Szebeni utca ► Csepel, Szent Imre tér.</li></ul> Ônibus 38Ônibus 238 |
- runs with increased travel time between Solymár, Auchan áruház and Kövesbérci utca towards Szentlélek tér H NoneSIGNIFICANT_DELAYS | <ul><li>Bus <strong>218</strong> runs with increased travel time between <i>Solymár, Auchan áruház</i> and <i>Kövesbérci utca</i> towards Szentlélek tér H.</li></ul> Ônibus 218 |
- runs with increased travel time between Mészégető and Villám utca towards Hűvösvölgy NoneSIGNIFICANT_DELAYS | <ul><li>Bus <strong>63</strong> runs with increased travel time between <i>Mészégető</i> and <i>Villám utca</i> towards Hűvösvölgy.</li></ul> Ônibus 63 |
- runs with increased travel time between Dózsa György tér and Erkel Ferenc utca towards Széll Kálmán tér M NoneSIGNIFICANT_DELAYS | <ul><li>Bus <strong>22</strong> and <strong>22A</strong> runs with increased travel time between <i>Dózsa György tér</i> and <i>Erkel Ferenc utca</i> towards Széll Kálmán tér M.</li><li>Bus <strong>222</strong> runs with increased travel time between <i>Budakeszi temető</i> and <i>Erkel Ferenc utca</i>.</li></ul> Ônibus 222Ônibus 22AÔnibus 22 |
- does not operate between Boráros tér H and Kossuth Lajos tér M OTHER_CAUSENO_SERVICE | <ul><li>Tram <strong>2</strong>, <strong>23</strong> and <strong>2B</strong> does not operate between <i>Boráros tér H</i> and <i>Kossuth Lajos tér M</i>. We recommend the use of bus <strong>15</strong>.</li></ul> Bonde 23Bonde 2Bonde 2B |
- runs with increased travel time between Eiffel Műhelyház and Kőbánya alsó vasútállomás (Mázsa tér) towards Kőbánya alsó vasútállomás NoneSIGNIFICANT_DELAYS | <ul><li>Bus <strong>9</strong> runs with increased travel time between <i>Eiffel Műhelyház</i> and <i>Kőbánya alsó vasútállomás (Mázsa tér)</i> towards Kőbánya alsó vasútállomás.</li></ul> Ônibus 9 |
- does not stop at Kőbánya alsó vasútállomás (Mázsa tér) towards Kőbánya alsó vasútállomás NoneDETOUR | <ul><li>Bus <strong>9</strong> runs on a diverted route, does not stop between <i>Egészségház</i> and <i>Liget tér</i> towards Kőbánya alsó vasútállomás.</li></ul> Ônibus 9 |