10 Langley RoadA45 BridgeAbbey ChurchAbbey CloseAbbeyfield RdAbbey HouseAbbey LaneAbbey Lodge InnAbbey MeadowsAbbey ParkAbbey Park StreetAbbey RoadAbbotswoodAbpAbraham Darby SchoolAcacia AvenueAcacia RoadAcocks Green Village (Stop Ag)Acocks Green Village (Stop Ah)Acocks Green Village (Stop Aj)Adderley StAddison Rd (Stop Kc)Addison Rd (Stop Kg)Affleck AvenueAirfieldAirport Industrial Est NorthAirport Industrial Est SouthAirport WayAlauna AvenueAlbert RdAlbert RoadAlcester AcademyAlcester Academy Bus ParkAlcester Grammar SchoolAlcester Members ClubAlcester RoadAlder CloseAlder Park RoadAldershaw RdAldiAldi StoreAlexandra HospitalAlexandra RoadAllcroft RdAllesley Post OfficeAllesley RdAllison St (Stop Ds2)Allison St (Stop Ds2A)Allman RdAllotmentsAll Saints ChurchAll Saints ParkAll Saints SchoolAlmscliffe Village HallAlston RdAlston Rd (Stop Hc)Alveston TurnAlvis Retail ParkAlwyn GardensAlyssum WalkAmadis RoadAmazon WarehouseAmbarrow CrescentAmblers MillAmesbury RdAmwell GroveAnnsfield RoadAntony RdApostle ChurchApperley Bridge Rail StationApperley Lane Acacia Prk DrApperley Lane Cliffe DrApperley Lane Rail StationApperley Lane Springwood RdApperley Lane Woodhouse Grove SchAppian CloseAppleshawn CrescentAquatics CentreArbour Tree LaneArbury HallArchers CloseArden CottageArden HallArden HotelArden Press WayArden Vale RdArkley RdArlescote RdArmada CloseArmoury GardensArnold DriveAscot DriveAsdaAsda StoreAsda SuperstoreAshleaAshleigh RdAshmead HallAshmead TurnAshton RoadAshton Road EastAshurst RoadAshville AveAshwell DriveAspley Heath LaneAsquith Ave Gelderd RoadAsquith Ave Nepshaw LaneAsquith Avenue Deanfield AveAsquith Avenue DeanswayAssembly RoomsAstley StreetAtherstone StreetAtherton Arms (Stop E)Auckland RdAvenue FarmAvenue Retail ParkAvenue RoadAvery CroftAylesbury RdAzalea CourtBabbs Mill ParkBacons End IslandBakers LaneBalgavies Loch Nature ReserveBalham GroveBalliol CloseBalsall Common IslandBalsall StBangor HouseBangor RdBank LaneBanovallum School Bus ParkBaptist ChurchBarlow CourtBarnabas Rd (Stop Ef)Barnabas Rd (Stop Ep)Barnard CloseBarn Bank LaneBarnes Wallis AcademyBarnfield DriveBarnhurst FarmBarn Street (Stop Kb)Barn Street (Stop Kd)Baroda FarmBarons CourtBarrack CornerBarrington RdBarrows LaneBarston LaneBartley CloseBarton RoadBasin LaneBaxterley GreenBaxter LogsBaxters FarmBaxters RdBay Horse Royston HillBayton Lane JctBeard'S LaneBeauchamp RoadBeaufort AveBeaufort AvenueBeaufort ParkBeaulieu AvenueBeaumont Centre (Stand D)Beauville DriveBeccles RoadBeecham WalkBeech GroveBeechwood AveBelchers LaneBelgrade Theatre (Stop Ul3)Belgrade Theatre (Stop Ul4)Belgravia RoadBellBellevue RdBell InnBell LaneBell WalkBelmont RoadBeoley First SchoolBerrandale GardensBerwick LaneBeryl RoadBessemer RoadBetony GardensBetton RdBetworthy EstateBewley DriveB'Ham Airport Bus Terminal (Stand G)B'Ham Airport Bus Terminal (Stand H)B'Ham Airport Bus Terminal (Stand K)B'Ham Airport Bus Terminal (Stand L)Bickenhill LaneBierley BarBillesley LaneBillington CloseBincomb AveBirch CroftBird In HandBird In The HandBirds HillBirdwood GroveBirmingham Coach Station (Stand 8)Birmingham Coach Station (Stop Ds3)Birmingham Coach Station (Stop Ds4)Birmingham Coach Station (Stop Ds5)Birmingham International AirportBirmingham International Station (Stop Na)Birmingham International Station (Stop Nb)Birmingham International Station (Stop Sa)Birmingham International Station (Stop Sb)Birmingham Intl Rail StationBirmingham RoadBishopton CloseBitterscote LaneBlackbird RoadBlackcat CloseBlackdownBlackfirs LaneBlackford RoadBlackhorse RoadBlackmoor CroftBlack SwanBlackthorn WayBlackwood RoadBlakenhale RdBleak HouseBlenheim WayBletchley DriveBlind LaneBloomsbury StBlue Bell PhBlythe AvenueBlythe GateBlythsford RdBockendon RdBolton JunctionBoon GroveBootBooth Holme CloseBordesley CircusBordesley Rail StationBoscombe RdBoss Hall RoadBosworth RdBosworth Wood SchoolBoundary LaneBoundary RoadBowling ChurchBox Trees RdBracelandsBrackenbury RdBrackleys WayBradford InnBradford Rd Appleshawn CrescentBradford Rd Dean Park DriveBradford Rd Healey Croft LaneBradford Rd Potovens LaneBradford Rd Whitegates CloseBradford Rd Whitehall CrescentBradford Road Bowling AveBradford Road Brandy Carr RdBradford Road Brayshaw RdBradford Road Carr Gate FarmBradford Road Fox LnBradford Road LibraryBradford Road Link RdBradford Road Providence MountBradford Road Ruskin AveBradford Road SunnyfieldBradford Road Wood ViewBradford StreetBradley RdBraeside CottagesBraeside GardensBramley WayBrampton AveBranch EndBransons Cross RoundaboutBraymoor RdBrays RdBreech LaneBrendan CloseBretton RoadBrewster CloseBriarfield GardensBrickhill DriveBrickhill LaneBrick Kiln LaneBrickrowBriddsland RdBridgeBridgeford RdBridge St Bridge CourtBridge StreetBrighton CrescentBright StreetBrindley RoadBristol & Glos Gliding ClubBristol RdBritten StreetBroadland MeadowsBroad LaneBroadleeBroadoaksBroad Oaks RdBroad StBroadstone RoadBroad WalkBroadway RoadBroadwells CrescentBroadyates RdBrocklands FarmBroke AvenueBromford LaneBromford WayBrook CloseBrookdale ParkBrook EndBrooklands CrescentBrooklands WayBrooks CroftBrookside CrescentBrookside RoadBroomfield AvenueBrueton AvenueBrunswick RoadBrunswick StreetBryanston RdBryant CloseBuckingham RoadBuckland End ShopsBull & ButcherBullringBulls CrossBulls HeadBurberry GroveBurdett WayBurnham MeadowBurnside LaneBurrell DriveBus GarageBushell DriveBushwood LaneBusiness ParkBus Mall (Stop Ms16)Bus Point (Stand 2)Bus Point (Stand 3)Bus ShelterBus StationBus Station (Bay 8)Bus Station Stand 23 (Stand 23)Bus Station (Stand D1)Bus Station (Stand K)Bus Station (Stand S)Bus Station (Stop L)Butler'S GroveButler StreetButterwick DriveButterwick HouseByford DriveByrons LaneByrons StreetCafe NeroCaithness CloseCalcutt WayCalifornia RoadCambrian StreetCambridge DriveCambridge WayCamden DriveCampion WayCanal BridgeCanley CrematoriumCanley RdCannon Hill ParkCannon Park CentreCannon Park RdCannon StreetCanton LaneCaravan ParkCardiff Bus Interchange Bay 7Cargo TerminalCarisbrooke AveCarlton RoadCarnsdale RoadCarpenters ArmsCarters LaneCastello DriveCastle GateCastle Gate IslandCastle LaneCastle RoadCastley LaneCatchems CornerCateswell RdCathedral NCathedral PCathedral SCearl CourtCedar AveCedar GroveCefn MablyCemeteryCentenary HouseCentenary RdChaceley GroveChadwell DriveChadwick ManorChale RoadChalk Pit RoadChapelfields Junior SchoolChapelfields SchoolChapel WayCharles RdCharlton RiseCharter AveChase CourtChattaway StChell Road (Stand B1)Chelmscote RdChelmsley Interchange (Stop Cc)Chelmsley Interchange (Stop Ce)Chelmsley Interchange (Stop Cf)Chelmsley Interchange (Stop Ch)Chelmsley Interchange (Stop Cj)Chelmsley Interchange (Stop Ck)Chelmsley Interchange (Stop Cl)Chelmsley Interchange (Stop Cm)Cheltondale RdCherry LaneCherry Tree RoadChester RdChester Street (Stop C)Chestnut AvenueCheswick Green SchoolCheviotChipstead RdChurchChurch AvenueChurch Centre (Stop Ms5)Church Centre (Stop Ms7)Church HillChurch Hill ChurchChurch Hill WayChurch HouseChurchill AveChurch LaneChurch RdChurch RoadChurch StreetChurchward AvenueCity EngineersCivic HallClarence RoadClare RoadClarkia WalkClay LaneClay StreetClements RdClevedon AveClinton AvenueClockClock GarageClocksbriggsClock Tower (Stop B)Clopton CrescentCloudbridge DriveCoach & Horses PhCoalway AveCobbs RoadCockCockshut HillCockshut Hill SchoolCogan Leisure CentreCold Lands WoodColebrook RdColeford CloseColeford DriveCole Hall LaneColesbourne RdColeshill Day CentreColeshill Parkway (Stand B)Coleshill Parkway (Stand D)Coleshill RdColeshill SchoolCollegeCollege GroundsColletts FieldsCollingtree CourtCollinsfieldColonial RdColony HallCommercial Street ECommon LaneCommunity CentreCompasses InnCondor RoundaboutConey Grey SpinneyConnaught HouseConway RdCo-OpCo OperativeCophams CloseCoppice WalkCorbin RoadCorinne CroftCornbrook RoadCornhillCornwall CourtCoronation RoadCorporation StreetCorporation St (Stand O)Corporation St (Stop Bs1)Corporation St (Stop Bs2)Cottage Farm RoadCottesbrook RoadCoughton CourtCouncil OfficesCountry Park LaneCoverdale RdCow LaneCowslip DriveCrabbs CrossCrabbs Cross Post OfficeCrab LaneCraneberry RoadCranmore RdCrawford StreetCrawley LaneCrayford RoadCrematoriumCricketers RoadCricket GroundCrimple Garden CentreCroftdown RdCroft DriveCroft RdCroft Road (Stop Vr2)Croft Road (Stop Vr3)Cromwell LaneCromwell PlaceCromwell RoadCrooks LaneCross Cheaping (Stop Bs5)Cross Lane EndCrossroadsCross WalkCrownCubert RoadCulcheth LaneCulham CloseCulworth RowCutmill BridgeDagtail LaneDalecote AvenueDale End (Stop Pq12)Damson LaneDanesbury CrescentDanford LaneDark LaneDavenport DriveDavenport RdDaw'S LaneDay DriveDaylesford Infant SchoolDeal CloseDecoy TavernDeepdale AveDeer Park RoadDelius Walk
Dell Farm LaneDelme ArmsDene Court RdDenton GroveDepotDerby StDevon StDickens Heath RdDickinson Street (Stop So)Dickson TimberDiddington LaneDinas RoadDingle LaneDixon CloseDogDog InnDog Kennel LaneDolphin InnDolphin LaneDorner AvenueDorridge Rail StationDorsington RoadDouglas CrescentDouglas StreetDovecote CloseDovedale AveDovedale RdDovehouse LaneDown End RoadDowns RoadDrayton AvenueDrayton CloseDrews LaneDroylsden RoadDukes RoadDulverton AvenueDunchurch CloseDun CowDuncroft RdDunham'S LaneDunlop WayDunsmore AvenueDunster RdDursley CloseDursley Hospital (Main Entrance)Dyneley Arms PhEagle StEarlsdon Ave SouthEastbury DriveEastern HillEastern RdEastfield DriveEastfield RdEastgate CottageEastham BridgeEast Lancs Park & Ride (Stop C)East Lancs Park & Ride (Stop D)East Norfolk Sixth Form CentreEast ViewEbony WayEccleshill Community HospitalEccleshill LibraryEccleshill Retail ParkEccleshill Sports ClubEden HallEdgbarrow RiseEdgbaston Park RdEdison RoadElectricity StationElgin GardensElizabeth AvenueElliot DriveElmdon Park RdElmdon Trading EstateElmslie CloseElmstead AveElmwood CloseEmstrey Island WestboundEnford CloseEnnersdale CloseEntranceEpsom GroveEpsom Hospital Southside (Stop T)Epsom Hospital (Stop R)Epsom Race CourseErdington Fire StationEtonbury AcademyEverlands JunctionEversley RdEvesham Bus Station (Stand C)Evesham Country ParkEvesham RoadEvesham StreetFaircroft RdFalcon WayFallow RoadFalstaff AvenueFanshawe RdFaraday StreetFaraday Street (Stop Em)FarmFarmhouse Road EndFarm LaneFar Oakridge RoadFarrier LaneFarthing RoadFazeley StFeatherstone RdFender View RoadFentham RdFenwick CloseFerndale CourtFernhill RdField LaneFinkle LaneFirbeck RdFire StationFir GroveFirs AvenueFish BarFishers DriveFitzgerald RoadFitzwilliam AvenueFlackwell RdFlecknoe CloseFletchamstead HighwayFoley RdFolkestone CroftFootball ClubFootball GroundFop StreetFord DriveFordfield RdFord RoadFordrough LaneFords RoadForesterseat Road EndForge Mills ParkFort Industrial EstateFort Shopping CentreForty Acre LaneFosse WayFountain CottageFourth AvenueFowey RdFox & GooseFox Hollies Leisure CentreFox Hollies ParkFox Hollies RdFox InnFrancis CloseFrankton CloseFreasley RdFreasley RoadFrederick RoadFrederick Road (Stop N)Frederick Road (Stop X)Frederick StreetFreemansFrimley Railway StationFrisby RdFulford Hall RdFulwith Mill LaneGagarinGainsborough AvenueGalloway AvenueGaol Square (Stand 3)GarageGardens JctGarden SuburbGarforth AvenueGarmston Lane JctGate LaneGateside StreetGaydon RdGaydon RoadGeneral HospitalGeneral Hospital (Entrance)General StoresGeorge & DragonGeorge StreetGibbet Hill RdGibbs RoadGibb StGibson CourtGilbertstone AveGildersome Ch StGildersome GreenGilson HallGilwell RoadGladstone RoadGlascote Primary AcademyGlebe AvenueGlebe EstateGlebelands RoadGlenavon RdGlencroft RdGlenmore DriveGloucester WayGlynstell CloseGolden End DriveGolf ClubGoodway RdGoodway RoadGorsey LaneGospel Farm RdGotham RdGothic Way Hail + RideGrafton RoadGrammar SchoolGrange GardensGrange RdGrange RoadGrasmere RoadGrasmere StreetGravel HillGrayland CloseGrays CourtGrayswood AvenueGreat Barn LaneGreat TattenhamsGreek Street (Stop C)GreenGreenfinch RdGreengateGreengates CrossroadsGreengates Retail ParkGreenhead Road EndGreenhill LaneGreenhill LaunderetteGreenhill Park RoadGreenhill StreetGreen LaneGreen Lane ParkGreenmoor RoadGreen StreetGreenvale AveGressel LaneGreswolde RdGreswolde SchoolGrimshaw LaneGrosvenor RoadGrove AveGrove House RoadGrove RdGuildhall Shopping Centre (Stand 2)Guild RoadGulf GarageGunns WayHales GardensHallam RoadHall Green LaneHall Hays RdHall LaneHallmeadow RdHall WalkHallworth DriveHamble CloseHamilton PlaceHamilton StreetHamlet DriveHammond CrescentHampton AvenueHampton GrangeHampton-In-Arden ChurchHampton In Arden StnHams HallHansell DriveHarding RoadHargrave CloseHargrave RdHarris RoadHarrogate Rd Otley Old RdHarrogate Rd Parkin LaneHarrogate Rd Stockhill RoadHarrogate Road Apperley RdHarrogate Road Carr Bottom RdHarrogate Road Laburnum PlaceHarrogate Road Ravenscliffe AveHarrogate Road TenterfieldsHarthillHart RoadHartshill RdHarvester PubHarwood GroveHatchford Brook RoadHathaway Green LaneHattern AvenueHawcroft GroveHawkshead DriveHawthorne CrescentHawthorn GroveHaxby AveHaymarket Bus Station (Stand Hx)Haymarket Bus Station (Stand Hy)Haywood RdHazelcroftHazel CroftHazelhurst RdHazelville RoadHeadingstone PlaceHeadlam FactoryHeadless CrossHead Street (Stop Ea)Health CentreHeartlands HospitalHeartlands Hospital (Stop Hk)Heathcote AvenueHeath FarmHeathland AvenueHeath RdHeath WayHeaton StreetHedgetree CroftHedingham GroveHelmswood DriveHenley CrescentHennals AveHennals AvenueHenry StreetHenshaw CourtHenshaw LaneHenshaw Lane Henshaw AveHenshaw Lane Sizers CourtHermitage CloseHermitage RdHernefield RdHerringfleet RoadHeybarnes RdHgte Bus Stn Stand 7HighfieldHighfield GroveHighfield RoadHigh StreetHigh Street (Stop Fc)Highters Heath LaneHighwood AveHillaries RdHill Farm MarinaHill LaneHillside DriveHillstone RdHobmoor RdHob Moor RdHobs MeadowHobs Moat RdHockerhill FarmHockley HeathHodge Hill CommonHodgetts LaneHolbeach RdHolborn HillHoliday Inn (Stand C)Holland StreetHollin LaneHollins RoadHollinwood CemeteryHolloway CottageHollyfield AvenueHolly Tree CottageHolly WalkHollywell RdHolme LaneHoly Family ChurchHomebaseHome CloseHoneyfield RdHopfield RoadHopton GreenHopton RoadHorne WayHornie PlayparkHospitalHough LaneHoundsfield LaneHouse Of FraserHoward CloseHowe CloseHulme Hall LaneHunters InnHunters Inn PhHunton HillHunt TerraceHunwicke Road ShopsHurdis RdHurlingham RdHurst CloseHurstwood RdHutton RdHuxbey DriveHyde'S BottomHylands RoadHyron Hall RdHythe Railway StationImperial RdImpsley CloseIndustrial EstateIngenuity HouseIngestre RdInnovation CentreInterchange ShelterInterchange (Stand W)Interchange (Stand Y)International CentreIpswich Furniture ProjectIronmonger Square (Stop Ts5)Irving RdIrvin HouseIvegateIvetsey Bank RoadIvor RoadIvydale AvenueJacey RdJack StreetJacobean LaneJaffray CrescentJames Dawson DriveJames Green RoadJames StreetJasmine CourtJerry'S LaneJersey CroftJoan AvenueJohn Henry Newman CollegeJohn Wigley WayJohn Wyatt DriveJoseph WayJubilee AvenueJubilee CrescentJunctionJunior SchoolJustins AvenueJute CloseKabete LodgeKathleen RdKeepmoatKelynmead RdKempson RdKenilworth CloseKennels And CatteryKenneth Vincent CloseKennett BankKenpas HighwayKenwood RdKenwood Rd (Stop Hd)Keswick RdKettlebrook RoadKeylineKilmiston DriveKineton LaneKing Edwards High SchoolKingfisher DriveKingsbury RdKings Coughton LaneKingshurst ParkKingshurst WayKingsleigh DriveKings RdKings RoadKings Road JunctionKing'S Road JunctionKingstanding CircleKingstanding Circle EastsideKing St Moorside RoadKing St Spring GardensKirkby Bus Station (Stand 4)Kirkby LaneKirk GateKitsland RdKitwood DriveKnightsbridge Close JctKnights Bridge RdKnights CourtKnights RdKnoll Road (Stop H)Knoll Road (Stop K)Knottesford CloseKnowle Green ChurchKnowle Green TerminusKnowles Park WestKnutsford RoadKristiansand WayKyngsford RdKynnersley ArmsKynnersley Lane JctLadbrook RdLadybower CloseLady Byron LaneLady LaneLakesideLakeside Industrial ParkLakeview AvenueLakey LaneLambeth CloseLance CloseLanchester WayLandor RdLand Rover WorksLangar RoadLangley GatesLangley Jun & Inf SchoolLangley SchoolLangton DriveLangwood CourtLansdowne FarmLarksfield SurgeryLarks Wood CloseLatelow RdLaundry LaneLavelock LeaLea CloseLea Hall Rail StationLea Hall RdLeathley Lane EndLeek Old RoadLeeming CloseLeese LaneLeeside AvenueLee StreetLeicester CollegeLeicester RowLeinster RoadLeisure CentreLeominster HouseLetchworth Railway Station East (Stop C)Letchworth Railway Station East (Stop E)Letchworth Railway Station (Stop D)Letchworth Railway Station West (Stop A)Leys LaneLibby'S DriveLibraryLibrary GardensLichfield RoadLidlLidl MeadwayLifford HallLight Hall SchoolLighthorne RdLightwood CloseLillingstone AvenueLillington RdLimehurst SchoolLime LaneLime Tree DriveLincoln Rd NorthLincoln StreetLindrum AvenueLink Road Cyprus MountLinnet WayLion Fields AvenueLister AvenueLister LaneLittle Beanit FarmLittle Germany ULittle Germany VLittle Green LaneLittle Shrewley CrossroadsLittle Wood CloseLivingstone RdLlandough HillLloyd CloseLloyd'S BankLloyds Bank CollegeLode Heath SchoolLode LaneLode Lane (Stop Sf)Lode Lane (Stop Sg)LodgeLodge RdLondon RoadLondon RowLong Acre
Long AvenueLongford BridgeLongford SquareLong LaneLongmore RdLong StreetLongwall AvenueLoraine WayLordswood Rd (Stop Bs)Lordswood Rd (Stop Bv)Lorne StreetLound RoadLowbrook LaneLower Church RoadLudlow CourtLudlow Fish BarLugtrout LaneLulworth RdLundy ViewLydbury CrescentLymans Road Hail + Ride (Main Entrance)Lyme AvenueLynchgate RdLyndon RdLypiatt Park LodgeLypiatt Park Lodge (Entrance)M53 MotorwayM57Macbeth CloseMachin RdMackadown LaneMackenzie RdMadehurst RdMadeley Centre (Stand C)Magnolia DriveMaidwell DriveMain StMain St Arthington LaneMain StreetManchester Crown Court (Stop Ww)Manchester Royal Infirmary (Stop E)Manchester Royal Infirmary (Stop S)Manchester Town Hall (Stop Sb)Mancunian WayManningford RdManor CornerManor CottagesManor FarmManor Farm RdManor Park RoadManor RoadMansel RdMapleton RoadMarchmont RdMarcot RoadMardon RdMarguerita RoadMarian DriveMarket HallMarket PlaceMarket (Stop Sm)Market StreetMarkfield RdMarlborough WayMarling SchoolMarshall Lake RdMarsh LaneMarsh RoadMarston DriveMarston Green InterchangeMarston Green TavernMarston ParkMaryland AveMason CottagesMason RoadMaternity HospitalMatthew Boulton College (Stop Jr1)Matthew Boulton College (Stop Jr2)Maudlyn RoadMaud RoadMaxstoke CroftMaxstoke LaneMaxstoke StMaxted RdMaybird CentreMayfield CourtMayfieldsMay LaneMaypole IslandMaypole ShopsMayswood RoadMcculloch DriveMcdonaldsMcdonalds RestaurantMeadowhill RoadMeadowsideMeadow WayMeasham GroveMedina RdMelling DriveMelton AveMemorial HallMercian WayMere PondMere RoadMerevale RdMeriden GreenMeriden Green RoundaboutMeriden ParkMeriden StMerrywalks (Stop B)Merrywalks (Stop J)Merrywalks (Stop K)Merstal DriveMerstowe CloseMethodist ChurchMethodist Church (Stop M)Mey CoppiceMiall Park RdMicklefield LaneMicklefield Lane Queen StMidlands Arts CentreMidsummer ParkMill BankMillbrook DriveMill CrescentMillennium PointMillhouse RdMillington RdMill LaneMiners ArmsMinworth GreenMinworth Hall FarmMinworth IslandMirfield RdMitchell AveMitford DriveMoat House InnMoat House LaneMoat LaneMonastery DriveMonkspath Hall RdMoodyscroft RdMoorbridge RoadMoor End LaneMoorfields AvenueMoorhill RoadMoor LaneMoorside RoadMoor St Selfridges (Stop Ms17)Moreton Paddox TurnMorley Town Hall AMorley Town Hall CMorris CroftMorris HillMorrisonsMorris StreetMorris WayMoseley AvenueMoseley Cricket ClubMoseley Sec SchoolMoseley VillageMoss LaneMount PleasantMows Hill LaneMullion RoadMurcot TurnMurroes SchoolMuseum Of The Gorge Car ParkMytton & Mermaid HotelNags HeadNailcote LaneNailstone CrescentNash End FarmNatwest BankNeale AveNear Dorridge StationNearmoor RdNechells Primary SchoolNeedle CloseNeedlers End LaneNeighbrook CloseNelson TavernNestleNethersole SchoolNewark Bus Station (Bay A)Newbridge RoadNewby GroveNew College Road JctNewcombe HouseNew Cross (Stop Ef)Newearth RoadNewhall Gardens JctNew InnNewlands DriveNewlyn RoadNew RoadNew Street (Stop Ed)Nine Days LaneNorgrave RdNorthanger RdNorthfolk TerraceNorth Gate Railway StationNorthland RdNorth RoadNorth View RoadNorthwick HotelNorton GrangeNorton Green LaneNorton LaneNorton RoadNorton Way NorthNorwood RdNotcuttsNovotelNumberNursery StreetOak AvenueOak DriveOakgate CloseOakham WayOakhurst RdOakland CloseOak LaneOaklea HouseOakley FarmOak RoadOatlands CornerOberon DriveOld BeechesOld Cattle Market Bus Station (Stand H)Old Clough LaneOld Croft LaneOld Damson LaneOld Farm LaneOld Farm RoadOldfield RoadOld Hall LaneOldham Bus Station (Stand J)Oldham Bus Station (Stand L)Oldham College (Stop Ra)Oldham RoadOld Lode LaneOld Mill HouseOld Saracens HeadOld Square (Stop Pq13)Old Yardley ParkOlton CourtOlton LibraryOlton MereOlton ParkOlton StationOnslow CrescentOrchard CloseOrchard NurseriesOrchard RoadOrchard Street (Stand Bf)Orchard Street (Stand Bg)Orchard View NurseryOriel VillasOrkney CroftOrmond WayOsborne Street (Stop Ab)Otter CroftOttways LaneOur Ashes GarageOutmore RoadOvergreen DriveOxbridge WayOxfamOxford Road Station (Stop B)Oxholme ClosePacker CourtPack Horse InnPackington HallPailton RoadPaley RoadPalmerston RdPannal Car BootPaper Mill DriveParish ChurchPark AvenueParker DriveParkfield CourtPark GreenPark GrovePark Hall AcademyPark HillParkhill Estate TerminusPark InnParklandsParkstone Rd (Stop Af)Parkstone Rd (Stop Ag)Park St (Stop Mk6)Parkway HospitalParsons RoadParthenon DrivePartridge RdPatrick FarmPebble Mill RdPeddimore LanePeel CentrePeeping TomPeggles LanePeghouse RisePelham LanePenarth CemeteryPenarth Health CentrePenarth LibraryPenarth Police StationPenarth RfcPenarth StationPenarth Town Centre 1Pendleton Church (Stop Q)Pendleton Church (Stop U)Penkridge Fire StationPennine WayPenn LanePenrice ClosePerryman DrivePeterbrook RisePeterbrook RoadPeterbrook SchoolPetherick RoadPhilips ParkPhone BoxPiccadilly ClosePiccadilly Gardens (Stop D)Pierce AvePikewater RdPinecot AvenuePinehurst AvenuePine Tree RoadPinnock PlacePix RoadPlank LanePlassey StreetPlastic OmniumPlaying FieldPleasure Pit RoadPlumpton StreetPlumstead RdPoets CornerPolesworth Fish BarPolice StationPollard RdPool Bank CourtPool Bank FarmPool Bank New Rd Old LanePool Lane AllotmentsPool Meadow Bus Station (Stand B)Pool Meadow Bus Station (Stand E)Pool Meadow Bus Station (Stand H)Poplar AvenuePoplar RdPoplar Rd (Stop St)Poplars DrivePortland Buildings (Stop Sx)Portland ParkPort LanePost OfficePotters LanePoultry FarmPrecinctPrimary SchoolPrimrose BankPrimrose LanePrince Albert StPrince Of WalesPrince Of Wales RdbtPrinces RoadPrinces StreetPrior Road DepotPriory RdProsen PlaceProspect LanePublic Library (Stop Al)Pullan Avenue Harrogate RdPullan Avenue Moorside RdPullan Avenue Victoria RdPurnells WayPyemans GaragePyll House FarmQuakers LaneQueen Elizabeth GsQueen Elizabeth School Bus ParkQueen'S Head InnQueen Square Bus Station (Stand 5)Queens RdQueens Rd Harland CloseQueens Rd Queens AvenueQueen Street (Stop Jc)QueenswayQueens WayQueen Victoria Rd (Stop Gr1)Queen Victoria Rd (Stop Gr2)Quincey DriveRac Golf ClubRackstrawsRagley DriveRail Station Bridge (Stop Wr5)Rail Station Bridge (Stop Wr6)Railway BridgeRailway StationRailway Station BridgeRailway Station (Stand I)Railway Station (Stop A)Rainsford CrescentRalph CrescentRalph RdRavenhurst StRavenshaw WayRawdon Cross RoadsRawlins CroftRc Primary SchoolReading CourtRecreation GroundRedditch Bus Station (Stand F)Redditch Bus Station (Stand G)Redditch RoadRedesdale AvenueRedhill AvenueRedlands RdRed LaneRed LionRegalRegal RoadReigate RoadReigate Road SouthRein Rd Tingley CrescentRein RoadRein Road Tingley CommonReservoir HotelReservoir RdRex CloseReynoldstown RdRhoose CroftRichard Kelly DriveRichmond RdRichmond RoadRichmond WayRickerscote RoadRiddfield RdRidgefield (Stop Wx)Ridgway StreetRiffa BeckRiffa Business ParkRiffa Farm Lane EndRigton Lane EndRiley DriveRingwayRiver House SchoolRiverpark RoadRiverside RoadRiversmillRoach CloseRoad EndRobin Hood AcademyRobin Hood AvenueRobin Hood CemeteryRobin Hood IslandRock RdRodbaston CollegeRodbaston DriveRodborough RdRoebuck CloseRoebuck InnRolan DriveRoman RoadRoman TownRoman WayRookery ParkRook Tree LaneRose And Crown InnRosebery RoadRosecroft RdRosedale GroveRose Dene CottageRose RoadRosslyn DriveRough CloseRough Hill DriveRound TowersRover DriveRowan CrescentRowan WayRowley GroveRowleys HouseRowood DriveRoyal Liverpool University Hospital (Stop G)Royal Mail OfficeRoyal OakRoyal Oak PhRoyston Hill Stoney LaneRugby ClubRumbush LaneRunnalowRural CottagesRushbrook LaneRushby MeadRussell RdRussell StreetRuswarp CrescentRymond RdSacred Heart ChurchSainsbury'SSainsbury'S (Stop Ts4)Sainsbury'S StoreSale LaneSalford CathedralSalford Central Rail Station (Stop Wv)Salford Central Rail Station (Stop Wy)Salford CircusSalford Crescent Rail Station (Stop A)Salford Crescent Rail Station (Stop B)Salford StadiumSalop LeisureSaltley GateSaltway CentreSalwey ArmsSanda CroftSandbrook LaneSandhurst LibrarySandhurst StationSandown RdSandscroft AvenueSandway GardensSandy LaneSandys ArmsSandys AvenueSandyville RoadSandy WaySansome RdSaracens HeadSaxon RoadSaxon StreetSaxon WayScarfe WayScargreen AvenueSchofield RdSchoolSchoolacre RdSchool DriveSchool GroundsSchool LaneSchool RdSchool RoadSchool StreetScotland Hall RoadSedgemere RdSedgemoor RoadSelwyn DriveSettle AvenueSevenoaks ParkSeven Star RdSeverne GroveSevern Trent Water WorksShaftsbury RdShakespeare InnShakespeare StShaldon CloseShaldon RoadShalford RdShard End CrescentShard End LakeShard End ShopsSharmans Cross Junior SchoolSharmans Cross RdShawhurst LaneShawsdale RdShaw Street (Stop A)Sheddington Rd
Sheldon GroveSheldon Hall AveSheldon Heath RdSheldon WalkShell GarageShelly CloseSheltwood CloseShelvers GreenShenstone DriveSheriff AveSherwood RoadShetcliffe Lane TopShirehallShirestone AcademyShirestone RdShirley ChurchShirley Rail StnShirley Rd EastsideShopping CentreShopsShops (Stand A)Showell LaneShutt LaneSidcup RdSilverbirch RdSimmonds CourtSinger CroftSir Henry Parkes RdSir John Mills TheatreSix Ways Erdington (Stop Ek)Six Ways Island (Stop Eg)Six Ways Island (Stop En)Six Ways (Stop Ej)Skelcher RdSlade BrookSladefield RdSleaford RdSloper RoadSmallbrook RoadSmiddySmith StreetSmiths Wood AcademySmiths Wood SchoolSolihull By PassSolihull CollegeSolihull GateSolihull HospitalSolihull Rail Station (Stand G)Solihull Rail Station (Stand H)Solihull SchoolSolihull Station Interchange (Stand A)Solihull Station Interchange (Stand B)Solihull Station Interchange (Stand C)Solihull Station Interchange (Stand D)Solihull Station Interchange (Stand F)Solihull Station Interchange (Stop T2)Solihull Town Centre (Stop Sa)Solihull Town Centre (Stop Sb)Solihull Town Centre (Stop Sc)Solihull Town Centre (Stop Sd)Solihull Town Centre (Stop Se)Solihull Town Centre (Stop Sk)Solihull Town Centre (Stop Sl)Solihull Town Centre (Stop Sm)Somerset RdSomers RdSouthbank RdSouthbourne AveSouthcrestSouthfield AveSouthfield DriveSouth Kingennie Road EndSouth Of Studley Road IslandSouth Queen St St Pauls StreetSouthview NurseriesSouthwood AvenueSpace CentreSpeedwell WaySpernal Ash GarageSpitfire RoadSports GroundSportsman'S ClubSpringfield Junior SchoolSpringfield RdSpring LaneSpring RdSpringvale RoadSquadron CloseStafford Manor High SchoolSt Agatha'S RdStag LeysStandard RoadSt Andrew RoadSt. Andrew'S SchoolSt Andrew'S StadiumStanegateSt Anne'S ChurchStanway RdStanwell RdStanwell SchoolStarmer PlaceStarnhill WaySt Athan CroftStation Approach RoadStation CloseStation LaneStation RdStation Rd IslandStation Rd (Stop Ae)Station Rd (Stop Af)Station RoadStation StStation TurnSt Benedicts Rc SchoolSt Chads CrescentSt Christophers ChurchStechford Hall ParkStechford Police StationSteel Maitland AveSteep CloseStella CroftSteyning RdSt Faiths RoadSt George'S ChurchSt Giles'S ChurchStirrup CupSt James ChurchSt James PlaceSt James'S ChurchSt James Square (Stop Cp)St James Square (Stop Wb)St Johns Church (Stop Cs3)St Johns CloseSt Johns GroveSt Johns RdSt John StreetSt. Julians FriarsSt Lawrence'S RoadSt Leonard'S ChurchSt Leonards ViewSt Luke'S ChurchSt Margarets ChurchSt Margaret'S ChurchSt Margaret'S ParkSt Mark'S ChurchSt Marks RoadSt. Marys ChurchSt Marys CloseSt Mary'S Parsonage (Stop Wf)St Mary & St John ChurchSt Mary'S WaySt Matthew'S ChurchSt Michael'S ChurchSt Michaels RoadSt Modwena WayStockwell RiseStonebridge IslandStoneleigh AveStoney LaneStoneymoor DriveStonor Park RdStore And Post OfficeSt Pauls StreetSt Peter'S ChurchSt Peter'S Square (Stop Sd)St Peter'S Square (Stop Sf)St Peters WayStratford CollegeStratford High SchoolStratford RoadStreamside WayStreetbridge InnStreetsbrook RdStreetsbrook RoadStretton RoadSt Theresa ChurchSt Thomas' ChurchStuart AvenueStudley High SchoolSummer PalaceSumner RoadSundew CroftSunfield RoadSunhavenSun InnSurgerySutherland AveSutton AvenueSutton CloseSwallows MeadowSwanSwan HotelSwan InnSwan IslandSwan Shopping CentreSwift CloseSwimming BathsSwithland AvenueSydnall CloseSydney CourtSyke Rd Meadow WaySyke Rd Syke AvenueSyke Rd Syke GardensSytner Car DealershipsTadworth Railway StationTally Ho Police TrainingTamar DriveTameside DriveTangier WayTangmere DriveTanhouse Farm RdTanhouse LaneTanworth In Arden ChurchTanworth LaneTanworth Lane SurgeryTattenham CornerTattenham Corner Railway StationTattenham CrescentTattenham WayTavistock RdTen Acres LaneTennis AvenueTescoTesco StoreTetley RdTewit Well AveThe AgincourtThe Albert PhThe Arden OakThe Ashtead HospitalThe Auction HouseThe AvenueThe BaldwinThe Barn RestaurantThe Bell PhThe Black Horse PhThe Boat InnThe Bradford Arms PhThe BromfordThe CemeteryThe ChequersThe ColebrookThe College ArmsThe CopseThe CrematoriumThe CrescentThe CrossThe Dun CowThe Fox InnThe GarageThe Garden HouseThe GateThe GreenThe GreenwayThe GrindleThe HatchThe HighwoodThe HillwayThe IviesThe Journeys EndThe KingfisherThe LeaThe Longford EngineThe Lygon ArmsThe LyndonThe MaccThe Malls (Stop Z)The MaltstersThe Meadows (Entrance)The MemorialThe MountThe OaklandsThe Old ChapelThe Old OakThe PikeThe PloughThe PoolThe Prospect PhThe RadleysThe RailwayThe Rawlett SchoolThe RidgewayThe SaxonThe SeagullThe ShardwayThe SpinneyThe SquareThe StreetThe Sun InnThe VatchThe Vetinary HospitalThe Villa TavernThe VineriesThe VirginsThe WharfThe WheatsheafThe White HorseThe WillowsThe WindmillThe WoodlandsThird AvenueThistledown RdThomas Keble SchoolThompson StreetThorndene WayThornfield RdThornyfield RdThorpe RoadThree Horseshoes PhThree TunsThrockmorton ArmsThurlston AveTile Cross ShopsTile Hill LibraryTile Hill North TerminusTile Hill Rail StationTilehouse LaneTilton RdTimber YardTinas WayTingley MillsTitania CloseToll CrescentTolworth Hall RdToms Town LaneTong CemeteryTong Lane EndTong St Tennis AvenueTop Green ParkTouchwood Hall CloseTower CourtTower CroftTower Mill RoadTower Ramparts Bus Station (Stand Cc)Town Railway Station (Stop B)Townsend AvenueTrafalgar RdTransport Museum (Stop Hs2)Trenley RoadTrent DriveTrevelyan CrescentTrident CourtTrinity ParkTrinity TerraceTrueman'S Heath CrossroadsTruggist LaneTudor DairiesTudor Grange AcademyTudor Street LaneTulip WalkTurfpits LaneTwyford RdTyburn RdTyldesley Square (Stop D)Tyldesley Square (Stop G)Tynsall AvenueTyseley LaneTyseley Railway MuseumTythe Barn LaneUlleries RdUnicorn RoadUnion RdUniversity Interchange (Stop Uw4)University Of ManchesterUniversity Of SalfordUniversity ResidencesUniversity Shopping Centre (Stop D)University Shopping Centre (Stop E)Upton RdUsher StreetValley RdValley Rd North Holme StreetValley Rd Singleton StreetValley RoadValley View RoadVarley StreetVarsity Pitches (Stop Gh1)Vaynor DriveVenetia RdVentnor AveVentnor RdVentura Park RoadVernon WalkVibart RdVicarage RdVicarage RoadVicar RoadVictoria AvenueVictoria Avenue Glenmere MountVictoria RdVictoria Road Bus Interchange (Stand D)Victoria StVictor RdViking RdVillage CentreVillage HallVillage WayVinecote RoadWagoners CloseWagon LaneWaitrose StoreWakefield Rd Bradford RoadWakefield Rd By PassWakefield Rd Fairfax AvenueWakefield Rd Oakwell RoadWake Green RdWalkden RoadWall Hill RoadWalney DriveWalnut CloseWalsgrave CloseWalsham CroftWard End LibraryWar MemorialWar Memorial (Stop G)Warren GroveWarstock RdWarwick GroveWarwick RdWarwick RoadWarwickshire Cricket GroundWarwick Street (Stop Ee)Wash LaneWaterloo AvenueWater Orton LaneWater Orton Railway StationWaterside CentreWaterside HospitalWaterstone CloseWater TowerWaterway CourtWatery LaneWeaversWeavers CloseWebheath First SchoolWeeton StationWelford RoadWellesbourne MarketWellfield AvenueWellington ArmsWellington StreetWellpark WalkWells GardensWells Green RdWells RdWells RoadWell St (Stop Bs3)Wemyss FarmWest AveWestcott WayWest Coventry AcademyWest DriveWester RestennethWesterton Frost CornerWesterton Rd Garden House LaneWesterton Rd Hesketh LaneWesterton Rd Smithy LaneWesterton Rd Syke RoadWesterton Rd Thirlmere DriveWesterton RoadWesterton Road EndWesterton Road Lonsdale RiseWestfield AvenueWestminster RoadWestwood AcademyWestwood CampusWestwood ChurchWestwood Heath RdWetherspoons PhWharfWharf LaneWharf RoadWhar Hall RdWhateley GreenWhateley VillasWheatcroft RdWheatlands CroftWheatley RoadWheeley Moor RoadWhitebeam RdWhitehills HcccWhite HorseWhitehouse LaneWhitehouse Ln Harrogate RdWhite LionWhitestitch LaneWhite SwanWhitlocks End StationWhitminster CentreWhittington OvalWichnor RdWidney LaneWidney RdWilberforce StreetWilbury RoadWild ManWillclare RdWillow DriveWillow TavernWillow WayWilmcote Green ShopsWilmerhatch LaneWilsons ArmsWilson StreetWilton Rd (Stop Eq)Wimpole RoadWincantonWinchester Drive (Stop Ca)Winchester Drive (Stop Cn)Windermere DriveWindleaves RoadWindmill FarmWindmill LaneWindmill RoadWindsor DriveWindsor RoadWindsor St SouthWindyridgeWinged SpurWingfoot WayWishangerWishanger CrossroadsWitton Lodge RdWitton StWolgarston High SchoolWolgarston WayWolseley CloseWolverhampton Bus Station (Stand E)Wolverton RoadWoodacre RdWoodberry WalkWoodbridge ParkWoodchester TurnWoodcock StWoodcote SideWoodgate LaneWoodhall Spa HotelWoodkirk AcademyWoodland RoadWoodlands GreenWoodlea DriveWoodleigh RdWoodpecker GroveWoodrush SchoolWoodshires RdWoodside AvenueWoodside WayWoodview DriveWoolpack InnWootton HallWorths WayWright RdWroxham DriveWroxton RdWychbold CrescentWychelm Farm RoadWyndale DriveWynfield GardensWythall IslandYardley Primary SchoolYardley Wood DepotYardley Wood RdYarmouth RoadYeadon MorrisonsYeadon Town HallYeomans CloseYew TreeYew Tree DriveYew Tree LaneYockleton RdYorkminster DriveYouth Hostel
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