12 North End131 Hawthorn Rd219 Obelisk Rise28 Berry Lane2 Broadway2 Chalcombe Avenue2 Chater Street361 Harlestone Road37 London Road46 South Oval555 Obelisk Rise5 Abington Park Crescent69 Cranford Road6 Oulton Rise80 Reynard WayA45 RoundaboutAbbey CentreAbbey Hill Roundabout EastAbbey Hill Roundabout NorthAbbey RoadAbbey WayAbington ParkAbington Park CrescentAbington Square (Stop A1)Abington Square (Stop A2)Abington Square (Stop A3)Abington Square (Stop A4)Acre LaneAcrewood WayAddison RoadAdnitt RoadAirport Access Road/Broad LaneAlbion StreetAlderley CloseAldfield RoadAldiAlexander CourtAlexander StreetAlexandra RoadAlfred StreetAllard CloseAllen RoadAllens HillAllotmentsAll Saints ChurchAll Saints' ChurchAlpine StreetAlton CentreAltrincham College Of ArtsAmadis RoadAmber HouseAndover RoadArbour WoodArchangel RoadArden Lodge RoadArlbury RoadArnold RoadArrowsmith RoadArundel AvenueAsdaAshburnham RoadAshpole SpinneyAshton RoadAspreysAumberry GapAvebury AvenueAvondale RoadAvon Industrial EstateAvon TerraceAynho CrescentAyres End LaneAysgarth RoadBabingley DriveBakers Arms PhBalharry AvenueBalharvie RoadBalmoral CloseBalmoral RoadBaptist ChapelBarley Hill Road Turning CircleBarley LaneBarnwell CourtBarnwell DriveBarnwell RoadBarracksBarrow RoadBath RoadBatley Rd Hollinbank LaneBattalion DriveBawtry Road/Sheep Bridge LaneBaxter Gate (Stand Bb)Beaumanor HallBeaumont Centre (Stand C)Beaumont Centre (Stand F)Beaune CloseBeauville DriveBective RoadBedford Railway Station (Stop R2)Bedford Railway Station (Stop R3)Bedford RoadBedford Road LaybyBedford Road RoundaboutBeech AvenueBeechen Grove (Stop M)Beeches RoadBeech Tree CloseBella ItaliaBellinge Primary SchoolBengal ViewBerrywood DriveBerrywood RoadBeverley CrescentBiddenham International SchoolBilling Brook SchoolBingo HallBirch Barn WayBirchfield CrescentBirchfield Road EastBirch RoadBirch SpinneyBiscay CloseBitten CourtBitterns StreetBlackberry LaneBlackfriarsBlack LaneBlacksBlacksmithBlacksmiths WayBlackthorn CrescentBlaise Pascal HouseBliss Charity Aided SchoolBluebell AvenueBoarden CloseBooth Lane SouthBooth RiseBoston RoadBoughton Green HallsBoughton TurnBournehall RoadBowerfield AvenueB&QBradford Rd Listing LaneBradgate ArmsBradgate Park Nursing HomeBradgate RoadBradlegh RoadBramhall RiseBrampton LaneBrave Old Oak PhBraybrooke RoadBrayfield HouseBriar Hill SchoolBriarwood AvenueBricketts LaneBrick Kiln CloseBrick Kiln LaneBridge MeadowBriscoe LaneBritish Pepper & SpiceBriton RoadBroadmead AvenueBroadwayBromham BridgeBrooksideBrookside Community CentreBrookside ParkBroomhead FlatsBrowfortBrowns WayBuckley RoadBuckminster RoadBucknills LaneBudworth RoadBull WoodBurcote ParkBurdett RoadBurrows CourtBus DepotBus GarageBushey Arches (Stop F)Bushey Arches (Stop G)Bushey Railway Station East (Stop B)Business ParkBus Interchange (Stop 11)Bus Interchange (Stop 13)Bus ShelterBus StationBus Station (Bay 4)Bus Station (Bay 5)Bus Station (Bay 8)Bus Station (Stand C)Bus Terminus (Bay 1)Butterwick DriveButterysButton LaneByfield RoadBypass WayByron CloseCach Yard FarmCambourne CloseCamden SquareCameron CloseCampion RoadCampion SchoolCampion TerraceCanal MuseumCanewdon RoadCar AuctionsCarillion Rail DepotCarlsbergCarriers CloseCartwright CrescentCastlethorpe RoadCattle EndCaunce AvenueCauseway LaneCavendish RoadCedar Road SchoolCeltic WayCemeteryCemetery EntranceCemetery LaneCemetery Rd Goose HillCentral Business Exchange (Stop Q3)Central Business Exchange (Stop Q4)Central Railway Station (Stop Y2)Central Railway Station (Stop Z2)Central Railway Station (Stop Z3)Central Railway Station (Stop Z4)Chalcombe RoadChapel LaneChapel Ln Trueman AvenueChatsworth RoadChaucer RoadChaveney WalkCherry HillChildwickburyChippenham Railway StationChristchuch GroveChristchurch GroveChurchChurchcroftChurch DriveChurch HillChurchill WayChurch Of Latter Day SaintsChurch Of St GregoryChurch StreetChurch Street Interchange (Bay B)Church Street Interchange (Bay C)Church Street (Stand K)Church Street (Stop C3)Church WayClare CloseClarence StreetClarendon Road (Stop S)Clarendon StreetClare StreetClaret Car ParkClarke CourtClarke'S RoadClayfield CloseCleeve RoadClifden TerraceCliffs PavilionClifton RoadClifton Road (Stand B)Clifton Road (Stand O)Cliftonville RoadClose RoadCoca ColaC Of E SchoolCokefield AvenueCole CourtColley HillColney Heath LaneCommunity & Sports CentreConnaught DriveCooks CloseCo-OpCo-Op StoreCoppice DriveCopse CornerCoton RoadCotswold AvenueCotswold HouseCottage GardensCottage InnCottage LeapCouncil DepotCouncil HousesCountry ParkCounty GroundCovert Close AdjCovert Close OppCowslip HillCrabtree LaneCrauford ArmsCreaton Post OfficeCrematoriumCrestwood GardensCrestwood RoadCripps RoadCross KeysCross LaneCrossroadsCrow Lane WestCrown LaneCrown StreetCrowstone RoadCubbington RoadCumberland AvenueCumberland RoadCurtlee HillCutcliffe GroveCygnet DriveDaimler CloseDairy Farm CottagesDale Lane Brighton StDale Lane Lincoln AveDale Lane Wh Lee RdDalton WayDalvina PlaceDanefield RoadDanes Camp Leisure CentreDanetre HospitalDarlow DriveDartmouth RoadDelapre CrescentDelapre Crescent RoadDelapre StreetDeltic AvenueDe Montfort CourtDenby CloseDent CloseDerngate CentreDevizes RoadDirft 3Doctors LaneDodford GrangeDolben AvenueDominosDonaldson AvenueDoncaster Frenchgate Interchange/A3Doncaster InterchangeDoncaster Sheffield Airport/Aviator CourtDonellan GreenDouglas Avenue
Douglas RoadDragonfly WayDryden RoadDryleys CourtDunlin CloseDuston RoadEaglestonesEarlestown Bus Station (Stand 1)Earlestown Bus Station (Stand 3)Earlestown Station (Stop B)Earlstown Station (Stop A)Eastern CloseEastern Esplanade Coach ParkEastfield SchoolEast Hunsbury Primary SchoolEast LodgeEcton Brook RoadEden CloseEdwardian CloseEisaiEldean RoadEldon WayElizabeth RoadElizabeth WayElizabeth Woodville SchoolEllenbrook Lane (Stop S)Ellenbrook Lane (Stop T)Ellesmere AvenueElms DriveEnd Of Courteenhall LaneEnterprise RoadErrington ParkEskdale RoadEsselteExchange Road (Stop K)Eynon CloseFairhaven RoadFairmead RiseFarley WayFarm AvenueFarm CloseFarm Field CourtFarnham DriveFarrier CloseFarrier LaneFarthinghoe CloseFellmead RoadFerro FieldsField LaneFilleigh WayFirst Avenue/Hayfield LaneFirsview DriveFirthcliffe LaneFirthcliffe ParadeFirthcliffe Parade Firthcliffe GroveFirthcliffe RoadFir Tree WalkFishwicks Trading EstateFitzroy HouseFlaxfield WalkFlaxwell CourtFootball GroundFootbridgeFootpath To Brad StreetFootpath To The LakesForest EndForesters Arms PhForest RoadFoskitt CourtFrancis StreetFroxhill CrescentFulford Drive Turning CircleFuller RoadFulmar DriveFurze WalkGala CasinoGallowhill RoadGarden CentreGarners WayGarsmouth WayGarston Railway Station (Stop A)Garston Railway Station (Stop B)Gate LaneGatelodge CloseGayton RoadGeneral Hospital (Stop C)General Hospital (Stop D)General Hospital (Stop E)General Hospital (Stop F)George & Dragon PhGeorges DriveGeorge StreetGibraltar FarmGipsy LaneGipsy Lane TurnGirls High SchoolGlebeland RoadGlebe LaneGlebe RoadGlenfield DriveGlenvale Park Care HomeGlenvale Primary SchoolGloucester AvenueGodwin WalkGoldings RoadGold LaneGold StreetGolf ClubGordon StreetGorse HillGorse Hill HospitalGrammar SchoolGrange CourtGrange RoadGranville StreetGratrix LaneGravel Street (Stand Bd)Great Bear DistributionGreat Brook GroundGreat Ground WalkGreat Houghton TurnGreatmeadowGreat Nast HydeGreen FarmGreenfields SchoolGreen LaneGreenleys LaneGreenleys Roundabout NorthGreenwayGresham AvenueGrove RoadGuild CloseGxoGypsy Moth AvenueHaddon RoadHalfway House PhHalifax RoadHall AvenueHall LaneHall LodgeHall Wood AvenueHamilton HouseHam Meadow DriveHanslope SchoolHardwick RoadHardy DriveHarefoot CloseHarlestone RoadHarlestone Road SurgeryHarmans WayHarpenden House HotelHarrier ParkHarris RoadHatfield Railway Station (Stop 2)Hawk RidgeHawkstone CloseHawkswickHawkswick Lodge FarmHayfield Lane/First AvenueHaywayHazeldene RoadHazel Grove High School (Bay C)Hazelwood RoadHeacham DriveHealth CentreHearle WayHeather BraeHeckmondwike Hub (Stop H2)Helsby RoadHenry StreetHensmans LaneHesketh Crescent(H'Ham Ferrers) Cemetery Lane(H'Ham Ferrers) Northampton Road(H'Ham Ferrers) Wharf RoadHighfieldHighfield RoadHighgate HouseHighland RoadHighlands AvenueHigh MarchHigh Oaks TerminusHigh StreetHillend RoadHill FarmHillfieldHillfields Community CentreHill HouseHilliard DriveHillside RoadHilltop CloseHmp Five WellsHocknell CloseHodge Lea Roundabout SouthHoldenby RoadHoles LaneHoliday InnHolland RoadHollow WoodHolly StreetHolman CloseHolm CloseHolmleigh CloseHolyoake RoadHolyoake TerraceHomebaseHome CloseHome FarmHome Farm DriveHomestead AvenueHomestead WayHope StreetHopfields PhHospitalHoulton Radio StationHoulton SchoolHowards WayHowe Dell SchoolHoylake DriveHunsbury CloseHutchinson AvenueIndian RestaurantIndian ResturantIngramsIngs Rd Listing DriveIport Avenue/Great Yorkshire WayIport Avenue/Powerhouse LaneIronstone LaneJames RoadJasmine GardensJohn Gray RoadJohn Lea WayJohns AvenueJohns RoadJunction With Liliput RoadJuno CrescentJutland DriveKeats DriveKelmarsh AvenueKent RoadKent Road SouthKenyons Lane SouthKeswick Drive(Kettering) 117 Pytchley Road(Kettering) 85 Pytchley Road(Kettering) Paradise Lane(Kettering) Pytchley Road(Kettering) Venture ParkKilborn CloseKilburn PlaceKilvey RoadKings CloseKings Head PhKingsland AvenueKings LaneKingsley RoadKingsthorpe CemeteryKingsthorpe CollegeKingswayKinross RoadKirkstone WalkKislingbury RoadKits CloseKursaalLadybridge DriveLady Hollows DriveLady Hollows Drive North EndLadymead CloseLakeLake AvenueLancaster WayLanercost WalkLangford DriveLansdowne ArmsLarch LaneLatimer RoadLauderdale AvenueLavendon RoadLedaig WayLegh Arms (Stop E)Leicester RoadLeisure CentreLeitrim AvenueLeonard RoadLetter BoxLeys RoadLibraryLifstan Way BridgeLifstan Way SouthLiibraryLilac WayLindsay AvenueLings Lower SchoolLings WoodLink RoadLinley GreenLisburne LaneListing Dr Ings RoadListings DriveLittle Billing WayLittledaleLittle LaneLiverpool RoadLobley StreetLoddington WayLodgeLodge DriveLodge LaneLodge RoadLodge WayLondon RoadLong CloseLongfield RoadLong Mallows RiseLong MasseyLongmynd DriveLonsdale RoadLorraine DriveLoughton RoadLovat DriveLower Mounts (Stop A5)Lumbertubs LaneLumbertubs PhLuton Hoo HotelLuton Station Interchange (Stand 9)Lutterworth RoadLynmouth AvenueLyon WayMagdalen MeadowsMaher Community CentreMaidencastleMain RoadMain StreetMainwood RoadMalcolm DriveMallows DriveMalvern Grove ShopsMannering Gardens SouthManning CourtManning RoadManor FarmManor RoadMansion CloseMarcus AvenueMarefairMarinaMarine Activities CentreMarjoram CloseMarket Hall (Stand M1)
Market PlaceMarket Place Bus IslandMarket Place H5 (Stop H5)Market StreetMarkham CloseMark St Albion StreetMark StreetMarlow RoadMarquee DriveMarriott StreetMarsland RoadMarsland Road (Stop B)Martins LaneMatlock DriveMawsley SurgeryMayfield RoadMayfly RoadMcfaul SalvageMeads SchoolMedical CentreMelbourne RoadMelbourne StreetMeltham CloseMemorialMendip RoadMerril'S FieldMerthyr RoadMh Star Uk LtdMiddle GreeveMiddle SchoolMill FarmMill LaneMill Mead HallMillwayMilverton AvenueMinster CrescentMonmouth RoadMontague CrescentMordaunt LaneMorrison Park RoadMorrisonsMorrisons (Stop I)Mortons BushMossdale RoadMount Pleasant LaneMurray AvenueMuseum & RailwayMuseum WayNags Head InnNanhill DriveNationwideNationwide Food ParcelsNavigation RowNear Junction With Northampton RoadNectar WayNelson StreetNene Park Nhs ClinicNene Valley Way Slip RoadNene WalkNetherfield RoadNewcombe RoadNew Greens AvenueNewland Centre (Stop 5)Newland Centre (Stop 8)Newlands RoadNew LodgeNew North Rd Beech GroveNew North Rd Westfield RoadNew North RoadNew North Road Leeds Old RdNew RoadNew Rookery FarmNewton HospitalNgh A & E (Stop A)Ngh A & E (Stop B)Nia AcademyNicholas Breakspear SchoolNicholls HouseNo. 149Norley DriveNorman Harris HouseNorman RoadNorris RoadNorthampton Bus InterchangeNorthampton Bus Interchange (Bay 1)Northampton Bus Interchange (Bay 10)Northampton Bus Interchange (Bay 11)Northampton Bus Interchange (Bay 12)Northampton Bus Interchange (Bay 13)Northampton Bus Interchange (Bay 14)Northampton Bus Interchange (Bay 15)Northampton Bus Interchange (Bay 16)Northampton Bus Interchange (Bay 17)Northampton Bus Interchange (Bay 18)Northampton Bus Interchange (Bay 19)Northampton Bus Interchange (Bay 2)Northampton Bus Interchange (Bay 20)Northampton Bus Interchange (Bay 21)Northampton Bus Interchange (Bay 22)Northampton Bus Interchange (Bay 3)Northampton Bus Interchange (Bay 4)Northampton Bus Interchange (Bay 5)Northampton Bus Interchange (Bay 6)Northampton Bus Interchange (Bay 7)Northampton Bus Interchange (Bay 8)Northampton Bus Interchange (Bay 9)Northampton CollegeNorthampton RoadNorth AvenueNorthern Moor Metrolink (Stop A)Northern Moor Metrolink (Stop B)Northfield RoadNorthgateNorth Paddock CourtNorth Priors CourtNorth StreetNorth Street (Stand F)NunroydOak AvenueOaklands DriveOakley Arms PhOak StreetOak Tree CloseOat Hill RoadOfferton FoldOfferton GreenOld ChapelOld Cock InnOld Gorse WayOld Hall DriveOld HospitalOld Rectory CloseOld Red LionOld Towcester RoadOld Wargrave RoadOlney RoadOrchard CloseOrchard HillOrchard HouseOrchard TerraceOrton RoadOsmund DriveOulton RiseOverstone RoadOwl CloseOxford StreetPanattoni ParkPanettoni ParkParade BankPark Ave SouthPark DriveParkfield RoadParklands AvenuePark MewsPark MountPark ParadePark Road SouthParksideParsons ClosePatrick StreetPaxton RoadPear TreePeggotty'SPembroke RoadPenfold LanePeregrine RoadPet CentrePeverels WayPhillipersPhone BoxPianoforte RoadPiele RoadPig And Whistle PhPine Copse ClosePitsford TurnPlantagenet WalkPlay AreaPlaying FieldsPlough InnPlume Of Feathers PhPoitiers CourtPolice StationPondwood ClosePoplars ClosePortakabin FactoryPort RoadPost OfficePowerhouse Lane/West End LanePoynings AvenuePrentice CourtPreston Deanery RoadPrimary SchoolPrinces RoadPrincess Marina HospitalPriory RoadProvidence PlacePumping StationPurser Road(Pytchley) All Saints ChurchQueen Anne High SchoolQueen Eleanor RoadQueensland GardensQueens RoadQueenswood AvenueQuorndon FoxRacecourse PavillionRadlett RoadRaeburn RoadRail Freight InterchangeRail Station Approach RoadRailway ViewRainsborough CrescentRaphael DriveRathmine CourtRaunds Asda(Raunds) Bus Shelter(Raunds) Cole CourtRaunds Co-Op StoreRaunds Football Club(Raunds) Red Lion Ph(Raunds) Shelmerdine RiseRaymond RoadRecreation GroundRedding CloseRed House RoadRed Lion PhRedruth CloseReeds CrescentRegal CloseRegent StreetRidgewayRidgewood DriveRillwood Medical CentreRingwayRising Sun (Stop E)Riverside DriveRochelle WayRockley RoadRock StreetRooksley Retail ParkRooksley Roundabout SouthRose Tree CloseRoslin HotelRothersthorpe GarageRoundaboutRoundhill RoadRoundwood LaneRowdefield TurnRowdeford SchoolRoyal Mail Super HubRoyal OakRoyal Oak PhRoyal PavilionRugby Rail Station(Rusden) Hayway(Rusden) Kilburn Place(Rushden) Adnitt RoadRushden Asda(Rushden) Barwick HouseRushden George StreetRushden Lakes (Stop 2)(Rushden) Oakley Arms Ph(Rushden) Rushden Lakes (Stop 1)(Rushden) Salvation Army Citadel(Rushden) Skinners Hill Layby (Bay 1)(Rushden) Station RoadRushden Waitrose(Rushden) White Arches CaravansRydal MountRyecroft CourtRyland RoadRylands RoadSainsburysSainsburys Distribution CentreSainsburys Frozen NdcSalcey ForestSale High SchoolSale Moor Village (Stop C)Sampson StreetSamwell WaySandham Bridge RoadSandhill RoadSandiland RoadSantander House (Stop W3)Santander House (Stop W4)Saracens Head HotelSatinwood CloseSaxon Avenue RoundaboutSchool For BoysSchool For GirlsSchool LaneSchool RoadScience ParkScotia CloseScotland RoadScott BaderScout HutScratton RoadSepals WaySeymour HouseShady LaneShaughnessy WayShearwater RoadSheerwater DriveShelmerdine RiseShelthorpe RoadSherwood Avenue AdjSherwood Ave OppShire PlaceShopping CentreShopping Centre (Stop A)Shopping Centre (Stop B)Shopping Centre (Stop C)Shopping Centre (Stop D)Shopping Centre (Stop E)ShopsShowsley CottagesSillswoodSilver Birch RoadSilverstone BrookSilverstone ParkSimpson AvenueSkipton CloseSmallford RoundaboutSnow HillSol CentralSomerset AvenueSorrel CloseSouthbourne GroveSouthchurch AvenueSouthend Central Railway Station (Stop M)South End Infant SchoolSouthfield AvenueSouthfield Primary SchoolSouthfields ParkSouth Oval ShopsSouth StreetSpanslade RoadSpelhoe StreetSpinney Hill RdSpinney Hill RoadSpinneyside WalkSpires ViewSponnes RoadSpratton RoadSpringbank TerraceSpring FarmSpringfield DriveSpringfield Street
Springfield WaySpring Lane TurnSquareStaffords LaneStagecoach DepotStags Head PhSt Albans Girls SchoolSt Albans RoadSt Andrews HospitalSt Andrews Methodist ChurchSt Andrews Primary SchoolSt Andrews RoadStanley LaneStanwick Church HallStarvold CloseStation HouseStation RoadSt Augustine'S AvenueSt Bartholemew'S ChurchSt Crispin DriveSt Crispin RoadSt Edmund'S StreetStenhouse CloseSt Francis AvenueSt Francis ChurchSt Gregory'S Primary SchoolSt Gregorys & St Josephs SchSt Helens RoadSt James RoadSt James'S SqSt James WorksSt Johns AvenueSt John'S ChurchSt John'S RoadSt John The Baptist'S ChurchSt Margarets AvenueSt Margaret'S Bus Station (Stand Se)St Margaret'S PasturesSt Mary'S ChurchSt Mary'S HouseSt Marys RoadSt Mary'S Road (Stop U)St Matthews ChurchSt Michael'S ChurchStobartsStockwell RoadStockwood Park EntranceStoke RoadStornoway RoadSt Oswald'S ChurchSt Peter And St Paul'S ChurchSt Peters WalkStrawberry GardensSt Thomas Moore SchoolStudley CrossroadsSulby RoadSunningdale AvenueSuper SausageSurgerySutton'S WalkSwanspool HouseSwim CentreSyresham WaySywell Primary SchoolSywell Pumping StationTalavera WayTalavera Way RoundaboutTansy CloseTarragon WayTavistock CloseTeal CloseTechnology CollegeTelephone ExchangeTelford AvenueTelford Junior SchoolTenter RoadTescoTesco Bus ShelterTexaco GarageThe Abington PhTheatre District (Stop B3)Theatre District (Stop B4)The AvenueThe Barn WayThe BlackbirdThe BriarsThe BroadwayThe BullThe BungalowThe CastleThe Coach HouseThe Cock InnThe Cock PhThe CoconutThe Collingtree PhThe CommonThe CrescentThe Crown PhThe DepotThe DingleThe Duston SchoolThe FairwayThe Fox PhThe GarageThe GeorgeThe George PhThe George Ph (Stop C)The Gerard Centre (Stop D)The Gerard Centre (Stop E)The GlobeThe Globe HotelThe GossamersThe Gossamers ShopsThe Grange AcademyThe GreenThe Green Dragon HotelThe GreyhoundThe GreysThe HeadlandsThe HoltThe Horseshoe PhThe JettyThe LawsThe LeysThe LibraryThe LindensThe MountThe Old Bulls HeadThe Old Swan PhThe Pack HorseThe Peacock PhThe PelicanThe Plough And Harrow PhThe Plough HotelThe Point (Stop H3)The Point (Stop H4)The Point (Stop J3)The Point (Stop L4)The Railway SwanThe RidgeThe RidingsThe RockeriesThe Royal Oak PhThe RydeThe Seaway Car ParkThe SquareThe Square (Stand S1)The Square (Stand S4)The Squirrels PhThe Sun PhThe SwanThe Swan PhThe Trumpet PhThe Turnpike PhThe Viking PhThe WestwayThe WheatsheafThe White CompanyThe Whitehills PhThe White Horse PhThe White HouseThe Windmill PhThompson CloseThorn HillThorpe Bay CornerThorpe Bay Railway StationThorpedene LibraryThorpe EsplanadeThorpe Hall AvenueThree Horseshoes PhThrift StreetThruxton DriveThurlow DriveTideswell CloseTiffany GardensTiffield TurnTiger Moth WayTilbury RiseTimperley ChurchTintern AvenueToilet BlockTom Brown StreetTop Farm LaneTopwell Court Turning CircleTorkington RoadTorkington Road (Stop A)Torrington RoadTowcester RoadTowcester Road CemeteryTower Hill CloseTown BridgeTown Centre (Stop U)Town Centre (Stop V)Townsend RoadTownsend School GroundsToys R UsTrafford Way/Bentinck CloseTrafford Way/Jarratt StreetTravis PerkinsTrenchard PlaceTresham GreenTrinity AvenueTudor RoadTudor WayTurnTurncroft LaneTurvey AbbeyTwyford AvenueTyrer RoadUh De Havilland Campus (Stop N)Uh De Havilland Campus (Stop Q)Underbank RoadUnion Rd Huddersfield RdUnion Rd Wormald StreetUnion Road Smith StUnited Reform ChurchUniversity CampusUniversity SenateUpland RoadUpper Harlestone TurnUpper Heyford LodgeUpper Parade (Stand E)Upper Parade (Stand K)Upper SchoolUpton CloseUpton Valley Way EastUpton Valley Way NorthValley Rd Arnold StreetValley Rd Ings CrescentVicarageVicarage RoadVicary LaneVillage CentreVillage EntranceVillage HallVista RoadVista WayWaitroseWakefield WayWalkers WayWantage CloseWar MemorialWarmley RoadWaterfields WayWater LaneWaterpump CourtWater TowerWatford High Street Railway Station (Stop A)Watford High Street Railway Station (Stop B)Watford Junction Railway Station (Stop 5)Weavers CottageWeavers RoadWebb DriveWebb LaneWeedon Road RoundaboutWeggs Farm RoadWelland Walk(Wellingb') Broadway(Wellingb') Castle Way (Stop G)(Wellingb') Church Street Bay A (Bay A)(Wellingb') Denington Road(Wellingb') Kilborn Road(Wellingb') Post Office (Stop F)(Wellingb') Roche Way(Wellingb') Sheep Street Stop H (Stop H)(Wellingb') The Dog & Duck Ph(Wellingb') Wharton Close(Welling') Hatton Park RoadWellington RoadWellwood Community CentreWelton HouseWenlock WayWeslyan Reform ChurchWestcliff High Schools (Stop A)Westcliff High Schools (Stop C)Westcliff LibraryWestcliff PloughWestcliff Plough (Stop B)West Common WayWest EndWest End Lane/Great Yorkshire WayWest End Lane/Heatherfields CrescentWestern DriveWestfield AvenueWestfield CrescentWestfield RoadWesthill AvenueWest Hyde RoadWestminster CrescentWestminster Road East EndWestminster Road West EndWeston Favell SchoolWeston RoadWest RidgeWest WayWhaddon CloseWheatfield RoadWhernside WayWhite Arches CaravansWhite Bear PhWhite Elephant PhWhite Hart PhWhitehill AvenueWhite Horse PhWhite HouseWhite Lee Rd Batley RoadWhite Lee Rd Kester RoadWhite Lee RoadWhites LaneWhite Swan PhWhitfield TurnWickery DeneWidgeon WayWilbye GrangeWilby LaneWildacre DriveWilliton CloseWilson RoadWiltshire RoadWindmill RiseWindrush RoadWindsor CrescentWindyridgeWitham GreenWitham WayWollaston SchoolWolverton Police StationWolverton Railway StationWolverton RoadWolverton TescoWood CottageWoodcroft Scout CentreWoodland CloseWoodlands DriveWood LaneWoodley ChaseWoodmere AvenueWoods CourtWoodside WalkWootton Brook CloseWordsworth CloseWorlds End PhWormald StreetWorthington RoadWrenn SchoolWymington RoadWythenshawe Park Metrolink (Stop A)Wythenshawe Park Metrolink (Stop D)Wythenshawe Park Metrolink (Stop E)
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