121 London Road125 Wygate Road28 Park Road28 Wygate RoadA40 Risinghurst TurnA45 BridgeA50 JunctionAalsmeer RiseAbberton WayAbbey ChurchAbbey CourtAbbey FieldsAbbey GateAbbey LaneAbbey MeadowsAbbey ParkAbbey Park StreetAbbey RoadAbbey Street (Stop H)Abbey Street (Stop M)Abbotsford RoadAbbots GardensAbergavenny GardensAbinger Grove (Stop N)Abinger Grove (Stop W)Abraham Darby SchoolAcacia AvenueAcademy StreetAcorn StActon RoadAdcock DriveAdderley StAgar CrescentAirport WayAlandale AvenueAlbert RdAlbert RoadAlder Meadow CloseAldermoor HouseAldiAldridge RoadAldwych / Drury Lane (Stop S)Aldwych / Kingsway (Stop F)Alexander RoadAlfriston RdAllard WayAllerton CloseAllesley Post OfficeAllison St (Stop Ds2A)Allitt GroveAll Saints ChurchAll Saints RoadAll Saints SquareAlpha HouseAlspath LaneAlvaston ParkAlvis Retail ParkAlyssum WalkAmadis RoadAmazonAmbrose RiseAnderson StreetAnderton RoadAngelAnglian WayAnker StreetAnstey Lane RoundaboutAnsty Park Stop AAnsty Park Stop BAnsty Park Stop CAnsty Park Stop DAnsty Park Stop EArbury HallArches BarArch RdArden HotelArden Press WayArden RoadArden Vale RdArena Shopping Park (Stop Ab)Arena Shopping Park (Stop Ac)Arena Shopping Park (Stop Ad)Arena Shopping Park (Stop Ae)Arley LaneArley Social ClubArlidge CrescentArlington DriveArlington SquareArmorial RdArmoury GardensArmscott RoadArnhem CornerArnold AveArnold DriveArnold Lodge SchoolArtel CroftArundel RoadAscot DriveAsdaAsh CourtAshfield AvenueAsh Green SchoolAshlawn SchoolAshley RoadAshurst CourtAshwood AvenueAston Flamville RoadAstoria DriveAttwood CrescentAusterbyAvalon CourtAvenue RoadAvignon RoadAvon Beach ApproachAvoncliffe RoadAvondale RoadAvon Park Caravan ParkAvon Valley SchoolAvon View Park HomesAxa OfficesAxholme RdAycliffe GardensAzalea CourtBablake Playing FieldsBablake SchoolBack LaneBaginton RdBaginton StoresBaker StreetBalgavies Loch Nature ReserveBalsall Common IslandBalsall StBanbury RoadBannerbrook ParkBanquo ApproachBaptist ChurchBardon CloseBargates (Stop G)Barnack AvenueBarnsley CourtBarrack CornerBarras Heath ParkBar RdBarr'S Hill SchoolBarston CloseBarston LaneBartlett CloseBathway RdBattersby CloseBaxters FarmBayton RoadBeach LaneBeacon RdBeaconsfield RoadBeauchamp Avenue (Stand C)Beaufort DriveBeaulieu AvenueBeaumont Centre (Stand D)Beaumont RoadBeauville DriveBeccles RoadBeck RoadBedworth RoadBeechams MewsBeech Tree AvenueBeechwood AveBeechwood CourtBeechwood RoadBelgrade Theatre (Stop Ul1)Belgrade Theatre (Stop Ul3)Belgrade Theatre (Stop Ul4)Belgrave SquareBellBellairs AvenueBellbrooke CloseBelle Vue CrescentBelle Vue MansionsBellshill Railway Station Car ParkBellview WayBelmont RoadBelnie LaneBenedict CourtBennetts RoadBennett StreetBenn RoadBentley Country ParkBermondsey Station (Stop A)Bermondsey Station (Stop D)Bermuda ParkBermuda Park StationBermuda VillageBest AvenueBestwood StreetBetony GardensBevington CloseB'Ham Airport Bus Terminal (Stand G)B'Ham Airport Bus Terminal (Stand K)Bigbury CloseBilla Barra LaneBilling RdBillington CloseBilston Bus Station (Stand B)Bilston Bus Station (Stand E)Binley ChurchBinley Park InnBinley Rd Post OfficeBinley Woods Primary SchoolBirch CloseBirch TreeBirdingbury LaneBird'S DroveBirds HillBirdwood GroveBirmingham Coach Station (Stand 8)Birmingham Coach Station (Stop Ds4)Birmingham Coach Station (Stop Ds5)Birmingham International Station (Stop Sa)Birmingham International Station (Stop Sb)Birmingham RoadBishop Ullathorne SchoolBlack BankBlackberry LaneBlackbird RoadBlackdown CrossoradsBlackdown CrossroadsBlackheathBlackhill CrossroadsBlack HorseBlackhorse RoadBlacksmiths ArmsBlackwoodBlandford DriveBleak HouseBlenheim DriveBlondvil StBloomfield StreetBlount AvenueBlue Bell InnBlue Coat SchoolBlue PeterBlythe AvenueBoatBockendon RdBonington DriveBonners Lane (Stand Gh)Boord Street (Stop Mt)Boord Street (Stop Mw)Booth StreetBoot InnBorder CrescentBordesley Rail StationBorers CloseBoscombe CrescentBoscombe GardensBoss Hall RoadBoss Street (Stop S)Boundary RoadBournebrook ViewBournemouth Square (Stand O)Bourne Road EstateBowden WayBowes RoadBoxted AveBoyd CourtBrabazon DriveBrace Of PistolsBrackens LaneBracknell Bus Station (Bay 6)Bradgate DriveBradgate RoadBradney GreenBraeBraeton LaneBramble StBramcote BarracksBranksome AvenueBraybrooke Recreation GroundBrays RdBree CloseBretts CloseBrewery LaneBrickhill LaneBricklayers Arms / New Kent Rd (Stop Bc)Bricklayers Arms / New Kent Rd (Stop Bs)BridgeBridgeacre GardensBridge EndBridle RoadBrightlingsea RoadBritannia StBritish QueenBriton CourtBrittain LaneBrixham DriveBroadgate LaneBroadland MeadowsBroadlands CloseBroad Park ShopsBroadrick HeathBroad StBroad StreetBroadsword WayBroad WalkBroadwayBroadway (Stop E)Broadwells CrescentBroadyates RdBroke AvenueBromleigh DriveBrookes University (Stop B2)Brookes University (Stop B5)Brook FarmBrookfield RoadBrooklands Way (Stop B)Brooklands Way (Stop M)Broomfield RdBrowett RdBrownshill Green RdBrownsover RoadBruce RoadBrueton AvenueBrunel HouseBruntingthorpe WayBryans GarageBryant RoadBuccleuch StreetBulkington LaneBull & ButcherBull LaneBullringBulls HeadBulls Head LaneBurberry GroveBurdett WayBure Haven DriveBurleigh CloseBurlington ArcadeBurnaby RdBurns RdBurnt PostBush CloseBush Road (Stop N)Bus ShelterBus Station (Bay 16)Bus Station (Bay 2)Bus Station (Bay 3)Bus Station (Bay 5)Bus Station (Stand A)Bus Station (Stand B1)Bus Station (Stand B3)Bus Station (Stand C3)Bus Station (Stand D)Bus Station (Stand E)Bus Station (Stand K)Bus Station (Stand S)Bus Station (Stop L)Butlers CrescentButterwick DriveButterwick HouseButtsCadwell CloseCafe NeroCaithness CloseCallice CourtCaludon Centre (Stop Wg)Caludon Centre (Stop Wh)Caludon Park AvenueCaludon RdCalvert CloseCalvert StreetCambridge StCameron CloseCampain'S LaneCampbell StreetCampion CloseCampriano DriveCamvilleCanada Street (Stop U)Canada Street (Stop W)Canada Water Bus Station (Stop B1)Canada Water Bus Station (Stop B2)Canberra RdCanley CrematoriumCanley Park & RideCanley RdCannon Park CentreCannon Park RdCannon StreetCapmartin RdCaradoc CloseCaravan ParkCarbery AvenueCar DealershipCardinal Wiseman SchoolCargo TerminalCarlingwark StreetCarnation DriveCarnegie CloseCaroline AvenueCarrington RoadCarsal CloseCarvell CloseCascade CloseCashmore AvenueCaspian WayCastle CloseCastle Douglas LibraryCastle RiseCastle Rock DriveCatchems CornerCatesby Road MiddleCathedral DriveCatherton CloseCawston LaneCecily RdCedric CloseCemeteryCentenary RdCentral StorageChace AvenueChaceley CloseChale RoadChancery CourtChandos StChapel End LaneChapel FieldChapel StreetChapelton CottagesChappell CentreCharlewood RdCharlotte StreetCharnborough RoadCharnwoodCharnwood ArmsCharnwood DriveCharter AveChase CourtChatsworth DriveCheadle CloseCherwell WayChesford CrossroadsCheshiire FarmCheshire FarmChestnut AvenueChestnut CloseChestnut RoadCheylesmore HouseChichester WayChideock HillChitterman WayChrist Church Primary School (Stop Mr)Christchurch Railway StationChrist The King ChurchChurchChurchill AveChurch LaneChurch RoadChurch Square (Stop A)Church Square (Stop B)Church Street (Stand J)Church Street (Stand K)Churchward AvenueCicey LaneCinemaCity EngineersCivic HallClacton Garden CentreClaremont CloseClaremont RoadClarence StreetClarendon Avenue (Stand D)Clarendon RoadClarkia WalkClark StreetClements StClennon RiseCleveland RoadCliffe Hill FarmClifton Road (Stand B)Clifton Road (Stand C)Clifton Road (Stand M)ClinicClinton AvenueClinton LaneClocksbriggsClough BridgeClumber DriveCoach Road CornerCoalway AveCobbs RoadCockCode Building (Stop Fx1)Colchester RoadCold Hurn LaneColeridge RdColes Furniture CentreCollegeCollege AvenueCollier PlaceColliers WayColliery LaneColliery Lane NorthColumbia GardensCommon LaneCommon WayCommunity CentreCompton RoadCondor RoundaboutConference CentreConyers AvenueCooks LaneCoombe CourtCoombe Park RdCo-OpCo OperativeCo-Operative StreetCoopers Lane ShopsCopeland StreetCopper Beech CloseCoppice RoadCopse CloseCopsewood AvenueCopthorneCordelia WayCoriolanus SquareCornelius StreetCornhill GroveCornish CrescentCoronation RoadCorporation St (Stop Bs1)Corporation St (Stop Bs2)Corpus Christi SchoolCostcutterCottage PlaceCotton DriveCoundon Primary SchoolCountry Park LaneCounty HallCourt CrescentCourthouse Green SchoolCoventry AirportCoventry Arena Station (Stop Ah)Coventry Arena Station (Stop Aj)Coventry CollegeCoventry Rail Station (Stand Wr1)Coventry Rail Station (Stand Wr3)Coventry Rail Station (Stand Wr4)Coventry RoadCoventry StadiumCoventry University (Stop Cu1)Coventry University (Stop Cu2)Cowslip DriveCrab LaneCrackleyCraigends AvenueCrampers FieldCranbourne CornerCraven StCrawley RoadCrayford RoadCreek Road / Norman Road (Stop W)Creek Road / Norman Road (Stop Y)Creekside (Stop G)Creekside (Stop Z)CrematoriumCricketers RoadCricket GroundCroft PoolCroft RoadCroft Road (Stop Vr2)Croft Road (Stop Vr3)CroftwayCromwell LaneCromwell RoadCross Cheaping (Stop Bs4)Cross Cheaping (Stop Bs5)Cross Cheaping (Stop Bs6)Cross PointCrossroadsCross StCrossway RdCrowhill RoadCrownCrownhill RoadCrown HotelCrown LaneCroydon Close
Cryfield Grange RdCulworth RowCuttinglye RoadCuttle BrookCutty Sark For Maritime Greenwich (Stop A)Cycle WorksDale RoadDale StreetDaleway RdDalmeny RdDalton GardensDane HillDane RdDarbyshire CloseDark LaneDarlington RoadDarracott RoadDavenport RdDawlish CloseDawlish DriveDays LaneDeadmans LaneDeans WayDecoy TavernDeedmore RdDe Haviland WayDelius StDelius WalkDelme ArmsDe Montfort RoadDempster RoadDenbigh RdDenehurst WayDennis RdDeptford Fire Station (Stop P)Deptford Fire Station (Stop V)Deptford High Street (Stop A)Deptford High Street (Stop C)Deptford Park School (Stop Q)Deptford Park School (Stop T)Derby RoadDersingham CourtDespard RdDewsbury AvenueDhlDickens RdDickens StreetDickinson CourtDiddington LaneDillotford Avenue SubstationDockhead (Stop E)Dockhead (Stop H)Doctors SurgeryDoncaster CloseDonnington AvenueDorchester WayDorlecoteDorlecote RoadDormans Station TurningDormer PlaceDovecoteDovedale AveDove WyndDown End RoadDrake StDroylesdon Park RdDruid Street (Stop C)Druid Street (Stop E)Drummond RoadDrummond Road (Stop B)Drummond Road (Stop E)Drury Lane (Stop S)Duckham CourtDudley RoadDudley StDuke Of York PhDulverton AvenueDumfries And Galloway Royal InfirmaryDumfries Railway StationDunchurch CloseDunchurch Park HotelDunchurch RoadDun CowDuncroft AveDunham'S LaneDunjargDunsmoor AvenueDunton StreetDyers LaneEagle StEagle St EastEarl PlaceEarlsdon Ave SouthEarlsdon LibraryEarls HallEarl St (Stop Mp1)Easenhall RoadEast AvenueEast By-PassEast CourtEast Grinstead Station (Stop A)East Norfolk Sixth Form CentreEast ParkEastwood AvenueEbro CrescentEccles CloseEden StEdge AvenueEdgehill PlaceEdinburgh RdEdmonscote RoadEdward StreetEdward Tyler RoadElan SystemsElectricity StationElephant & Castle / London Rd (Stop A)Elephant & Castle / London Rd (Stop E)Elephant & Castle / New Kent Road (Stop K)Elephant & Castle / New Kent Road (Stop N)Elizabeth DriveElkington StEllys RdElm Tree DriveElmwood CloseElsie Jones HouseEmstrey Island WestboundEngleton RoadEnglish StreetEnsign CloseEnsor CloseEntranceEric Inott HouseErmine WayErnesford Grange AcademyErnespie RoadErnsford AvenueEsher DriveEssex StreetEtonbury AcademyEtone SchoolEttington RoadEttrick CourtFairfieldFairlawn DriveFairwayFalcon ParkFalcon WayFalmouth CloseFalstaff CloseFamily CentreFarcroft AveFar Gosford StreetFarman RdFarm CloseFarmcote RdFarmer WayFarr DriveFarren RdFarrier LaneFarriers CourtFarthing RoadFawsley HouseFelbridge HotelFelbridge NurseriesFelbridge SchoolFen LaneFen RoadFenside AvenueFerndale DriveFerndale RoadFerrers RoadField Head HotelFielding LaneField LaneField View CloseFifeild CloseFighting CocksFighting Cocks InnFilling StationFinham Green RdFinham Park SchoolFire StationFishermans WalkFitzgerald RoadFive Elms FarmFivefield RdFive Ways CornerFletchamstead HighwayFleur De LisFlowerdale DriveFlude RoadFlying HorseFoleshill RdForesterseat Road EndForest Hill TurnForest Road - St Mary'S SchoolForge CourtForge GarageForge RoadForknell AvenueFortesque Arms PhFosse Road CornerFountain CottageFourth AvenueFramlingham GroveFrankton RoadFrank Walsh HouseFrederick Bird SchoolFreshfield CloseFriday LaneFrisby RdFrowick LaneFurlong RdGainford RiseGala BingoGaley'S RoadGallagher RoadGarageGarden CentreGarden Wood RoadGarendon WayGarland CrescentGarmston Lane JctGarrett DriveGarroch Business ParkGartcosh WalkGarth CrescentGatesGaveston RdGeorge Eliot Hospital Main EntranceGeorge Eliot SchoolGeorge StreetGerrantonGibbet Hill Campus (Stop Gh5)Gibbet Hill Campus (Stop Gh6)Gibbet Hill RdGibby WayGilbertstone AveGilbert StreetGilroes CemeteryGladstone RoadGleadowe AvenueGlebe AvenueGlebe CrescentGlebe StreetGlencroft RdGlendower AvenueGlenfield Frith DriveGlenfield HospitalGlen GardensGlenmore DriveGlenn AvenueGlenn StGlenside SouthGlenwood GardensGodsey LaneGodstone RoadGoffs ParkGoffs Park RoadGolden End DriveGolden LionGoldsmith AvenueGoldthorn CloseGolf ClubGolf DriveGoodway RdGoodwood DriveGoodyears End LaneGoodyers End LaneGoose CornerGorse Farm RoadGosford GreenGothic Way Hail + RideGoughs LaneGrace AcademyGrammar School GroundsGrand AvenueGrange DriveGrange RoadGrange Road /Caledonian Market (Stop J)Grange Road /Caledonian Market (Stop L)Granville StreetGrassington DriveGravel HillGrayswood AveGrayswood AvenueGreat BalanceGrebe CloseGreenGreenhead Road EndGreenhill LaunderetteGreenhill RoadGreen LaneGreen LanesGreenmoor RoadGreen Park AveGreenrigg GardensGreen Road RoundaboutGreenwayGreenway RdGreenwich Church Street (Stop B)Greenwich Town Cen/ Cutty Sark (Stop C)Gregory Hood RdGretna RdGreville RoadGriff HouseGriff IslandGrimsby InstituteGrove RoadGuide Dogs For The BlindGulson RdGunby RoadGuphill AvenueGuy StreetGynsill LaneHadley RdHallams CloseHallmeadow RdHallworth DriveHalmer GardensHamlet CloseHamlet DriveHampton AvenueHampton GrangeHampton-In-Arden ChurchHampton In Arden StnHampton RoadHanford CloseHannah RdHannington RoadHans CloseHarbury LaneHarefield RdHare & HoundsHare & Hounds PhHarewood RoadHarmans MeadHarmer CloseHarnall Lane WestHarpers YardHarris High SchoolHarris RoadHarry Weston RoadHart CloseHarwoods HouseHaseley RdHattern AvenueHawkesbury LaneHawkes Mill LaneHawthorn BankHawthorne HouseHawthorn LaneHaxted RoadHaydock CloseHayes LaneHayle CloseHaymarket Bus Station (Stand Hy)Haymarket Bus Station (Stand Hz)Haynestone RdHazel GroveHazelmere CloseHazel WayHeadingstone PlaceHeadington School (Stop B8)Headington School (Stop B9)Headington Shops (Stop Hs2)Headington Shops (Stop Hs6)Head Street (Stop Ea)Health CentreHearsall CommonHearsall CourtHeathbrook DriveHeathcote DriveHeathcote HospitalHeathcote RoadHeath End RoadHeather RdHeathley Park DriveHeath RoadHeath Road Fish SaloonHeckley RoadHendre CloseHenry StreetHerald Business ParkHerbert Gallery (Stop Es1)Herberts LaneHermes CrescentHermitage CourtHermitage Leisure CentreHermitage RoadHerontye DriveHerringfleet RoadHexworthy AvenueHidcote RoadHigham LaneHighfield RoadHighland RoadHigh PinesHigh SchoolHigh School For GirlsHigh StreetHigh Street (Stop Fc)High Street (Stop L2)Highways DepotHill CottageHill CrescentHillcrestHill LaneHillman WayHill RdHill StreetHill TopHilton NationalHinckley RdHinckley RoadHipswell ShopsHoarestone AvenueHodgetts LaneHolborn Station (Stop P)Holbrook RoadHolbrooks ParkHoliday Inn (Stand C)Hollies CornerHollis RoadHolloway AvenueHolly WalkHolton TurnHoly Family ChurchHoly Trinity SchoolHome CloseHome FarmHome Park RoadHoneyfield RdHoneysuckle DriveHoniton RdHopedale CloseHornbeam DriveHornie PlayparkHorse & JockeyHorse & Jockey PhHorseshoe CommonHorticultural Research InternationalHospital Car Parks (Stop Wf)Hospital Interchange (Stop Uh1)Hospital Interchange (Stop Uh2)Hospital Interchange (Stop Uh3)Hospital Interchange (Stop Uh4)Hospital Interchange (Stop Uh6)Hospital Interchange (Stop Uh7)Hospital Interchange (Stop Uh8)Hospital Interchange (Stop Uh9)Hospital LaneHotchkiss WayHouse Of CorrectionHouse Of FraserHowe CloseHowes LaneHsbcHugh RdHunters CloseHunters LaneHuntingdon RdHunt TerraceHunwicke Road ShopsHurransHythe Railway StationIbstock RdIcelandIlex CourtImberhorne Upper SchoolIndustrial EstateInfant SchoolInnings LaneInternational CentreInvicta RdIpswich Furniture ProjectIronbridge WayIronmonger Square (Stop Ts5)Irving RoadIrvin HouseJackson RdJacobean LaneJaguar GarageJaguar Land RoverJaguar WorksJamaica Road / Abbey Street (Stop D)Jamaica Road / Abbey Street (Stop J)James Dawson DriveJames Green RoadJameson RoadJames WyattJasmine CourtJasmine GroveJaywick LaneJimmy Hill WayJob'S LaneJohn Ross AveJohn Ross AvenueJohn'S The Baptist ChurchJohn StreetJohn Wigley WayJordan'S Cradge Bank RoadJoseph CourtJoseph Luckman RoadJubilee CloseJubilee CrescentJubilee WalkJuliet CloseJunctionJunction With PennygateJute CloseKanzan RoadKathleen RdKeenan DriveKelmoor RoadKenelm CourtKenilworth CastleKenilworth Railway StationKenilworth SchoolKennel LaneKenpas HighwayKeresley ChurchKeresley LibraryKeresley ManorKeresley RdKerry LeaKestrel ViewKeswick RdKilmiston DriveKimberley RoadKingfisher DriveKing Henry Viii SchoolKing Richard StreetKings ArmsKing'S AvenueKings GardensKings RdKings RoadKingston RoadKingswayKingsway / Holborn Station (Stop M)Kingswood CloseKing William Lane (Stop K)Kipling RdKipling WayKnightsbridge Close JctKnoll DriveKnowledge GatewayKnowle Green ChurchKnowle Green TerminusKnowle HillKristiansand WayKynnersley ArmsKynnersley Lane JctLadbrook RdLady Byron LaneLake AvenueLambeth RdLamp LaneLancaster Place (Stop T)Lancaster RoadLanchester RdLanesideLangley GatesLangridge WayLangton RoadLansdowneLarches WayLarch Tree AvenueLarkin WayLarksfield SurgeryLashmereLaurieknoweLavelock LeaLavenham CloseLawford CloseLawrence Saunders RoadLawrence Sheriff StreetLeamington RoadLeamington Rugby ClubLeasowes CottagesLeeming CloseLees TerraceLeggatt DriveLeicester CollegeLeicester RowLeisure Centre
Lena DriveLenton'S LaneLentons Lane MiddleLetchworth Railway Station East (Stop C)Letchworth Railway Station East (Stop E)Letchworth Railway Station (Stop D)Letchworth Railway Station West (Stop A)Leven WayLeyes LaneLeyland RoadLeys LaneLibraryLichfield RdLightwood CloseLillington AvenueLime Tree AveLincroft CrescentLindley RoadLinford CrescentLingfield RacecourseLingfield Railway Station (Stop A)LionLion Fields AvenueLister StreetLittle Beanit FarmLittle ChapelLittle Park St (Stop Sj1)Little Wood CloseLivingstone AvenueLivingstone RdLivingstone RoadLloyd CrescentLochview MotelLochview Motel (Entrance)Lock LaneLodge FarmLodge RdLogan RdLondon RoadLondon RowLong DroveLongfield HouseLongfieldsLongford BridgeLongford RoadLongford SquareLong LaneLongrood RoadLongwood CloseLoraine WayLord RaglanLord StreetLord Williams Upper SchoolLoreburne Centre (Stance 1)Lorenzo CloseLoudon AvenueLound RoadLouth RoadLovell RoadLower Precinct (Stop Vr1)Lower Road / Surrey Quays Stn (Stop M)Loxdale StLoxdale St MetroLucian CloseLukes LaneLutterworth RoadLydgate RoadLymans Road Hail + Ride (Main Entrance)Lymington DriveLynchgate RdLyndale CloseLyndon RdLynton CourtLyttleton RoadM1 BridgeM6 BridgeMacaulay RdMacbeth CloseMacdonald RoadMacmillan Students Village (Stop D)Macmillan Students Village (Stop H)Madeira CroftMadeley Centre (Stand C)Magistrates Court (Stop Lp1)Magnolia DriveMaidavale CrescentMail Cart PhMain StreetMalmesbury RdMalthouse LaneManfield AveMannion AveManor EstateManor FarmManor RoadMaragaret AvenueMargaret RoadMariette WayMarina CloseMarina DriveMarket HallMarkethillMarket PlaceMarler RdMarsdale DriveMarshall RoadMarsh Farm CornerMarsh LaneMarston DriveMarston LaneMary RoadMarystow CloseMascot SquareMascotteMaternity HospitalMatthew StreetMatthew Telford ParkMaudlyn RoadMaudslay RdMaxstoke LaneMaxweltown West ChurchMayfield DriveMcculloch DriveMcdonaldsMciver CloseMeadow CloseMeadow CroftMeadow LaneMeadow RdMeadowsideMeadow WayMedina RoadMedland AvenueMelrose AvenueMemorialMemorial HallMemorial Square (Stand 1)Memorial Square (Stand 5)Mercer AveMeredith RdMeriden GreenMeriden StMerrick Lodge HotelMerrivale RdMerryhill RoadMerstone CloseMeschines StMethodist ChurchMichell CloseMickleton RdMiddleborough RdMiddlecotesMiddlefield DriveMiddlemarch Business ParkMiddlemarch RoadMiddle RideMidland RoadMilestone LaneMill Bank MewsMill DriveMill Race LaneMill StreetMill TerraceMillthorpe DroveMilverton RdMiners ArmsMitchell AveMoat AveMoat House CentreMoat House LaneMobile Home SiteMonkshouse Primary SchoolMontague CourtMontes CourtMontgomery CloseMontgomery RoadMoor St Selfridges (Stop Ms17)Moreton Morrell RoadMorfa GardensMorris AveMorris DriveMorrisonsMorrisons BinleyMorton CloseMoseley AvenueMoseley Junior SchoolMoseley RdMoseley RoadMotorway Service Area (Entrance)Mount DriveMount PleasantMount RoadMount StM&SMudeford Junior SchoolMuseumMuseum Of The Gorge Car ParkMuseum Street (Stop E)Mushroom Castle LaneMyrtle TerraceMyton CrescentMyton CroftsMyton SchoolMytton & Mermaid HotelN.A.C. Main EntranceNailcote LaneNarrow Boat CloseNational DairiesNational Maritime Museum (Stop F)National Maritime Museum (Stop G)Natwest BankNauls Mill HouseNeale AveNeedlers End LaneNeilson StreetNelson Mandela Park (Stand Gc)Nene CloseNeptune St / St Olaves Estate (Stop R)Neptune St / St Olaves Estate (Stop S)Neslam RoadNewburgh RoadNewby CloseNew College Road JctNewcomen RoadNewdigate RoadNew Green ParkNewhall Gardens JctNewhall RdNewington CloseNewlands CloseNewlands CourtNew Oxford Street (Stop Z)Newport CourtNewquay RoadNew RdNew RoadNew RowNew SpiresNewtown RoadNicholas Chamberlaine SchoolNicolette WayNien OordNoel Baker SchoolNorman AveNorthampton LaneNorthcote RoadNorthey RdNorthfolk TerraceNorthgate Methodist ChurchNorth Greenwich Station (Stop C)North Greenwich Station (Stop E)North Point ChurchNorth StreetNorth Street (Stand F)North Street (Stand G)Northumberland RoadNorton GrangeNorton RoadNorton Way NorthNovotelNuffield RdNuneaton Railway StationNuneaton RoadNunts LaneNursery StreetOak AvenueOak Bank HouseOak & Black DogOak CloseOak CourtOakdale RoadOakland CloseOaklandsOak LaneOakley DriveOffa DriveOld Cattle Market Bus Station (Stand H)Old Church RdOld Farm LaneOldfield RdOld Fire Station (Stop Hs3)Old Hall FarmOldham DriveOld LionOld MillOld Priory RoadOld Saracens HeadOrchard StreetOrchard Street (Stand Bf)Orchard Street (Stand Bg)Orkney CloseOrson LeysOsbaston CloseOsborne Street (Stop Ab)Otterbrook CourtOval RoadOverdale AvenueOverdale RdOverslade LaneOwenford RdOxendon WayOxfamOxford StPackington HallPalace BingoPalmer & HarveyPalmerston RoadPalm Tree AvePandora RdParagon WayParish ChurchParish Church Stand BParish HallPark And Ride Car ParkPark AvenuePark End Street (Stop D1)Park End Street (Stop D5)Parker DriveParkfield RoadParkhill Estate TerminusPark Hill RoundaboutPark LanePark RdPark RoadParkstone Rd (Stop Af)Parkstone Rd (Stop Ag)Park TavernParkway IslandParkway RoundaboutParkwood RoadParson DroveParsons LaneParson'S NookPasture LanePasture WoodPatrick FarmPauls MeadPaynes LanePayne WayPearl Hyde SchoolPeel StPeeping TomPeggles LanePelham AvenuePelham RoadPelton Road (Stop C)Pembury AvePennant RoadPenny Park LanePenrice ClosePenryn ClosePenzance RoadPenzance WayPercival RoadPeregrine RoadPetersfield RoadPetrol StationPeveril DrivePheasant ClosePhoenix CrescentPhoenix ParkPhone BoxPier Avenue (Stand D)Pinecot AvenuePinfold LanePinnock PlacePirbright ClosePix RoadPlaying FieldsPoets CornerPokesdown StationPool Meadow Bus Station (Stand A)Pool Meadow Bus Station (Stand B)Pool Meadow Bus Station (Stand E)Pool Meadow Bus Station (Stand F)Pool Meadow Bus Station (Stand G)Pool Meadow Bus Station (Stand H)Pool Meadow Bus Station (Stand J)Pool Meadow Bus Station (Stand K)Pool Meadow Bus Station (Stand L)Pool Meadow Bus Station (Stand M)Pool Meadow Bus Station (Stand N)Pool Meadow Bus Station (Stand P)Pool Meadow Bus Station (Stand Q)Pool Meadow Bus Station (Stand R)Pool Meadow Bus Station (Stand S)Pool Meadow Bus Station (Stand T)Pool Meadow Bus Station (Stand U)Pool Meadow Bus Station (Stand V)Poplar RoadPorlock ClosePort LanePortman RoadPortobello BridgePortway RdPost OfficePotters Green ShopsPotters RoadPrecinctPresident Kennedy SchoolPrimary SchoolPrinces DrivePrincethorpe WayPrior Deram ParkPrior Road DepotPriory CornerPriory MewsPriory RoadProgress WayPrologis ParkProsen PlaceProvidence StPump Hill GaragePurcell AvenuePurcell RdPurewell CrossPyemans GaragePymm Ley LaneQuadrant (Stop By1)Quadrant (Stop By2)Quadrant (Stop By3)Quadrant (Stop By4)Quadrant (Stop By5)Quaker LaneQuarry HouseQuarry LaneQueensland AveQueens Lane (Stop J3)Queens Lane (Stop K4)Queens RoadQueen StreetQueen Street (Stop Jc)QueenswoodQueen Victoria HospitalQueen Victoria Rd (Stop Gr1)Queen Victoria Rd (Stop Gr2)Quinton LodgeRadcliffe GardensRadford HouseRail Station Bridge (Stop Wr5)Rail Station Bridge (Stop Wr6)Railway Approach (Stop D)Railway BridgeRailway StationRailway Station BridgeRailway Station (Stop R1)Railway Station (Stop S1)Railway Station (Stop S2)Railway Technical CentreRailway ViaductRainsford CrescentRaleigh RdRamada HotelRandall RoadRangemoorRannock CloseRansome RoadRavens CourtRavenshaw WayRavenswoodRaven WayRawnsley DriveRaynor CrescentRecreation GroundRecreation RdRectory RoadRed Cross ShopRedesdale AvenueRed LaneRed LionRedruth CloseRegent HotelRegent StreetRembrandt WayRenaissance CourtRenolds CloseRenown AveReservoir RoadRex CloseRicardo CrescentRider CloseRidgeway AvenueRidley'S CornerRiley SquareRingwayRiver BankRiverhead Exchange (Stand B)Riverland CourtRiverside CloseRiverside RoadRiversley RoadRoad EndRobert CloseRobin Hood PhRobinson RoadRobson WayRodney Place (Stop Ba)Rodney Place (Stop Bt)Roland AvenueRollason CloseRollason RoadRoman TownRookery LaneRook Tree LaneRope WalkRosabelle AvenueRose And CastleRose Cottage FlatsRose CroftRose Dene CottageRosehall RoadRoseycombeRosslyn RoadRoss WayRotherham RoadRough CloseRound House RoadRounds GardensRouses LaneRowan CloseRowan CrescentRowley Fields AvenueRowley RoadRowleys HouseRowplatt LaneRoxburgh RoadRoyal BankRoyal OakRugby ClubRugby GatewayRugby RoadRunnalowRupert RoadRural CottagesRushby MeadRutland Street (Stand Ek)Rylston AvenueRyon HillSacheverell WaySackville College (Stop K)Sackville College (Stop L)Sackville SchoolSainsburySainsburysSainsbury'SSainsbury'S (Stop Ts1)Sainsbury'S (Stop Ts2)Sainsbury'S (Stop Ts3)Sainsbury'S (Stop Ts4)Saints WaySalcombe CloseSalop LeisureSandfield RoadSandpits LaneSandwick CloseSandy LaneSapcote RoadSaumur WaySaunders AvenueSaville GroveSaxons RiseSayes CourtScar BankScarfe WayScarman RdSchofield RoadSchoolSchool CrescentSchool LaneSchool StreetSeabroke AvenueSecond AvenueSedlescombe ParkSegro Park DhlSeneschal RdServicesSeva SchoolSevern RdSevern RoadShabbington TurnShakespeare AvenueShale StShelley RoadShenstone DriveSheppersons AvenueShepperton StreetSheriff Ave
Shetland CloseShilton LaneShirebrook CloseShire CloseShirehallShirlett CloseShopping CentreShopsShops (Stand A)Shops (Stand B)Showell LaneShropshire DriveShugars GreenSibton CloseSidmouth CloseSidney RoadSilver Birch AveSilver Birch AvenueSilver GhostSimon CloseSinger CloseSirdar RoadSir Henry Parkes RdSir John Mills TheatreSiskin Parkway WestSix Bells PhSketchley Hill HouseSketchley LaneSkimped Hill Lane - Health CentreSky Blue ConnexionSlater StreetSmith CrescentSmorrall LaneSnyder PathSoar LaneSolihull By PassSolihull SchoolSolihull Station Interchange (Stand B)Solihull Town Centre (Stop Se)Solihull Town Centre (Stop Sk)Somerset GroveSomerset RdSomers RdSomers RoadSorrell RoadSouthbank RdSouthbourne CrossroadsSouth CourtsSouthfield AvenueSouth Field HouseSouth ParkSouthview NurseriesSouthwark Park (Stop C)Southwark Park (Stop F)Sovereign CentreSovereign RoadSowe Valley SchoolSowe WaySpace CentreSpalding Academy Bus ParkSpeedwell Street (Stop S1)Speedwell Street (Stop S2)Speedwell WaySpencer AvenueSpencer ParkSpencer StreetSpinney PathSportsman'S ClubSports & Social ClubSpringfield RoadSpringfields OutletSpring LaneSpring MeadowSpring PlaceSpurn AvenueSquareSt Aldates (Stop G6)Stamford ArmsStamford DriveStamford StreetStand HSt Andrew'S ChurchStanley RoadSt Anthony'S CloseStanwell Street (Stop Bb)Starley Gardens (Stop Cu3)Starley Gardens (Stop Cu4)Starley Gardens (Stop Cu5)Starley Rd (Stop Cr2)Starley Rd (Stop Cr3)Starley Rd (Stop Cr4)Station RoadStation StStation St EastStation TurnSt Bartholomews ChurchSt Bernards WalkSt Chad'S ChurchSt Clements Street (Stop A)St Clements Street (Stop C)St Cross HospitalSt David'S CrescentSt Denis ViewSteep CloseStennett AvenueStephenson WayStepping Stones RdStewart CloseSteyning RdSt Francis ChurchSt George'S Circus (Stop P)St George'S Circus (Stop T)St George'S RdSt Giles RoadSt Gregorys RoadSt Guthlac'S ChurchSt Helens AvenueStirling RdSt Ives RdSt Ives WaySt James ChurchSt James'S Road (Stop C)St John Baptist SchoolSt Johns ChurchSt Johns Church (Stop Cs1)St Johns Church (Stop Cs2)St Johns Church (Stop Cs3)St Johns Church (Stop Cs4)St Johns StreetSt. Julians FriarsSt Laurence AvenueSt Lawrence'S RoadSt Leonard'S ChurchSt Margarets AvenueSt Margaret'S Bus Station (Stand Sj)St Margaret'S Bus Station (Stand Sk)St Margaret'S Bus Station (Stand Su)St Margaret'S ParkSt Maries Rc Infant SchoolSt Martins RdSt Marys ChurchSt. Marys ChurchSt Mary'S ChurchSt Marys CloseSt Mary'S RoadSt Michaels RoadSt Nicholas ParkStocken PrisonStockton RdStoke GreenStoke HeathStoke Heath WharfStonebridge HighwayStonehouse LaneStoneleigh AveStoneleigh BridgeStoneleigh CloseStoneleigh RdStoneleigh RoadStonemarketStone Quarry EstateStonesdale CourtStony LaneSt Osyth RoadStowlawn SchoolSt Pauls ChurchSt Paul'S Primary SchoolSt Pier'S LaneStratford CollegeStratford Manor HotelStratford RoadStretton AcademySt Swithuns RoundaboutSt Thomas' ChurchSt Thomas' RdStubbs CloseStubbs GroveSt Wilfrid'S SchoolSubwaySullivan RoadSummer StSun InnSunningdale CourtSunnymeadSunnyside CloseSurgerySurrey Quays Leisure Park (Stop F)Surrey Quays Leisure Park (Stop G)Surrey Quays Road (Stop Y)Surrey Quays Shopping Centre (Stop J)Surrey Quays Station (Stop L)Surrey Quays Station (Stop S)Sutcliffe AvenueSwallowfieldSwan Shopping CentreSwanswell PointSwanswell PoolSwan WaySwift WaySwillington RdSwimming PoolSwindale CroftSwithland AvenueSycamore DriveTachbrook StreetTainters HillTame StTanner Street (Stop B)Tanyard Farm TerminusTapping WayTarlington RoadTelephone BoxTelephone ExchangeTelford RoadTemple StreetTenlons RoadTenpenny BridgeTen Shilling WoodTescoTesco North BracknellTesco StoreTewkesbury DriveThe ApproachThe ArchesThe Arden OakThe Auction HouseThe AvenueThe BarnThe Bell PhThe BirchesThe Boat InnThe BrackensThe Bull InnThe CemeteryThe ChaseThe ChesilsThe ChilternsThe CoppiceThe CornishmanThe CrematoriumThe Crescent Bus Station (Stand Cb)The Crescent Bus Station (Stand Ce)The CroftThe Deepings SchoolThe DriveThe Duke'S HeadThe Dun CowThe Five Bells PhThe FlagThe FoxThe Garden HouseThe GardensThe GlebeThe GraylandsThe GreenThe GriffThe GrindleThe HillwayThe Horseshoe PhThe HumberThe Kings ArmsThe LarchesThe Longford EngineThe Martyrs' CloseThe MaudsleyThe MemorialThe MillThe MountThe NeedlesThe New HavenThe New JoinersThe New PippinThe NookThe OaklandsThe Old HatchetThe Old OakThe Old Ship InnThe Old Vic (Stop Q)The Old Vic (Stop S)The PaddocksThe Park PalingThe PilotThe PloughThe Plough PhThe PointerThe Prince AlbertThe RamperThe Red LionThe Runway Industrial ParkThe SeagullThe SquareThe Stage PhThe Star InnThe Tea GardensThe VenueThe Vetinary HospitalThe WheatsheafThe White HorseThe WillowsThe Woodlands SchoolThickthorn CloseThickthorn IslandThird AvenueThirlestane CloseThirsk RoadThomas Lane StThomas Lansdail StThomas StreetThornfield RoadThornfield WayThornhill Park And Ride (Stop B)Thornhill Park And Ride (Stop C)Thornhill Park And Ride (Stop F)Thornton CloseThorpe RoadThree Bridges Station (Stop A)Three Bridges Station (Stop B)Three HorseshoesThree Horseshoes PhThree Pots RoadThree Spires AvenueTile Hill LibraryTile Hill North TerminusTile Hill Rail StationTiltwood DriveTimber CourtTintagel WayTitania CloseTiverton DriveTiverton RdToll Bar AcademyToll Bar SchoolToll CrescentTom Henderson CloseTonbridge RdTop Green ParkTorbay RdTorcross AvenueTorrington AvenueTorwood CloseTottenham Court Road Station (Stop T)Touchstone RoadTournament Fields Business ParkTower CourtTower Mill RoadTower Ramparts Bus Station (Stand Cc)Town Centre (Stop C)Towngate EastTown HallTown Hall Square (Stand Er)Town Railway Station (Stop B)Townsend LaneTown ThornsTrafalgar Estate (Stop S)Trafalgar Estate (Stop T)Trafalgar Road / Maze Hill (Stop G)Trafalgar Road / Maze Hill (Stop H)Transport Museum (Stop Hs1)Transport Museum (Stop Hs2)Treforest RoadTrelawney RoadTrentham RdTressall RoadTrevor CloseTrinity ParkTrinity StreetTruggist LaneTruro CloseTuckton BridgeTuckton CornerTulip WalkTunnel Avenue (Stop Mp)Tunnel Avenue (Stop Mq)TurnTurner CourtTurning CircleTwr Bridge Rd/Bricklayers Arms (Stop Bh)Twr Bridge Rd/Bricklayers Arms (Stop Bj)Twynham RoadTyler RoadTyler Street (Stop L)Ulverscroft RdUnion WalkUniversity Interchange (Stop Uw1)University Interchange (Stop Uw2)University Interchange (Stop Uw3)University Interchange (Stop Uw4)University Interchange (Stop Uw5)University ResidencesUpland DriveUpper Parade (Stand F)Upper Parade (Stand J)Upper Parade (Stand K)Upton & SonsUxbridge AvenueValley RoadVarsity Pitches (Stop Gh1)Varsity Pitches (Stop Gh2)Vaughan RoadVernon AvenueVernon CourtVicarage LaneVicarage StreetVictoria Farm TerminusVictory CourtViking RdVilla FarmVillageVillage HallVillage HotelVillage Lane EndVilla RdVilliers RoadVincent StVinecote RoadVine StVine StreetWade AvenueWagon & Horses PhWallace DriveWallace RdWalnut AvenueWalnut StreetWalsgrave ChurchWalsgrave ClubWalsgrave Infants SchoolWardentree LaneWarfield RoadWar MemorialWar Memorial ParkWar Memorial (Stop F)War Memorial (Stop H)War Memorial (Stop J)Warren GreenWarren StreetWarwick AvenueWarwick CastleWarwick HospitalWarwick New RoadWarwick Rail StationWarwick RoadWarwick SchoolWarwickshire Lavender FarmWarwickshire Shopping ParkWatercall AvenueWaterloo Bridge / South Bank (Stop N)Waterloo Bridge / South Bank (Stop P)Waterloo Station / Tenison Way (Stop K)Waterloo Station / Waterloo Road (Stop E)Watersbridge GardensWaterside Garden CentreWaterstock TurnWater TowerWaterworks DriveWaterworks RoadWatling RoadWednesbury Bus Station (Stand L)Welford Place (Stand Ep)Welland RoadWellington StreetWells RdWell St (Stop Bs3)Well St (Stop Bs7)Wellwick HouseWemyss FarmWendiburgh StWendover RiseWentworth RoadWestbury RdWestbury RoadWestcotts GreenWest Coventry AcademyWest DriveWester RestennethWesterton Road EndWestgate Primary SchoolWestgate (Stop E5)Westgate (Stop M3)Westkirke AvenueWestlands AvenueWestmede CentreWestmorland RdWeston LaneWest RoadWest StreetWestwood AcademyWestwood CampusWestwood ChurchWestwood Heath RdWestwood WayWexford RoadWharfWharton RoadWheatley RoadWheatsheafWheelwright LaneWhitburn RoadWhitehallWhitehall (Stop P)Whitehills HcccWhite HorseWhite LionWhitemoor RoadWhitesands (Stance 5)Whitestitch LaneWhitestone RoadWhitley VillageWhittington DriveWhoberley CourtWickham CloseWiclif WayWigginsmill RdWilberforce StreetWilbury RoadWilderwick FarmWild ManWilkes StWillenhall Primary SchoolWilliam Bree RdWilliam Kirby CloseWilliam Malcolm HouseWilliam Mckee CloseWillis BuildingWillowbank MewsWillow MeerWilmcote Green ShopsWilsons ArmsWimborne DriveWimpole RoadWinceby PlaceWinchester DriveWindermere AveWindermere StreetWindmill FarmWindmill InnWindmill LaneWindmill RdWinkfield ManorWinkfield RowWinsford CourtWinterton RoadWinyates RoadWisgreaves RoadWitham CrossroadsWitham RoadWivenhoe CrossWivenhoe RoadWolfe RdWolsey DriveWolsey TheatreWoodclose AveWoodcote RoadWood End Health CentreWoodford CloseWood Hill RiseWoodhouse RoadWoodland RoadWoodlands RoadWoodleigh RdWoodroffe WalkWoodshires RdWoodsideWood'S LaneWood StreetWoodway WalkWootton GardensWootton StreetWorth Park AvenueWright StWyandotteWych Elm DriveWycliffe Road WestWye StreetWykeley RoadWyken AvenueWyken CroftWyken Croft Nature ParkWyken Grange RoadYarborough HotelYarmouth RoadYates AvenueYelverton RdYeomanry WalkYewdale CrescentYork AvenueYorkshire PlaceYouth Centre
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