A40 Risinghurst TurnA835Abbey Hey LaneAbbeyhillAbercorn RoadAcorn StreetAdam Smith TheatreAdamson AvenueAdamson CrescentAirport HotelAirport (Stop C)Alexander StreetAllan Park RoadAll Saints SchoolAmbrose RiseAnemone WayApplecross Road EndArdarroch Road EndArpafeelie JunctionAsdaAshgrove SouthAsh RoadAshton Old RoadAshton Old Road (Stop A)Ashtons Green DriveAshurst CourtAssheton RoadAtholl Crescent (Stop Sg)Auburn LocksAuchterderran RoadBaberton AvenueBack O' YardsBalerno High SchoolBalerno Main StreetBalfour CourtBankhead AvenueBankhead BroadwayBankhead Crossway NorthBankhead DriveBankhead LoanBankhead MedwayBank StreetBarnton GroveBarr CrescentBath RoadBatley Rd Hollinbank LaneBattlefield DriveBavelaw GardensBaxters LaneBegg FarmBellyeoman Primary SchoolBellyeoman RoadBellyeoman SurgeryBennochy BridgeBennochy GardensBerrys LaneBlairmore RoadBoardmans LaneBold Industrial ParkBoreland RoadBothwell StreetBowhill ViewBradford Rd Listing LaneBradlegh RoadBraehead GroveBridge StreetBrigghills FarmBrindley RoadBrixey Road ChurchBrookes University (Stop B5)Brookway LaneBroom GardensBroomhead FlatsBroom RoadBrunstane BankBrunstane Mill RoadBrunton Theatre Journey HubBryce RoadBuller StreetBurndale PlaceBurtons Biscuits FactoryBus DepotBus StationBus Station (Stance 10)Bus Station (Stance 2)Bus Station (Stance 4)Bus Station Stance 6Buxton LaneBypassCaiystane ViewCalandine WayCalder DriveCalder ViewCaledonian VillageCalton Terrace BraeCambourne RoadCammo SouthCammo TerminusCanal StreetCanmore LodgeCantsdam RoadCardenden RoadCardenden ShopsCarnegie CampusCarnegie CrescentCarron PlaceCastlandhill RoadCaulderhame RoadCaunce AvenueCemeteryCemetery Rd Goose HillChapel HouseChapel LaneChapel Ln Trueman AvenueChapel RoundaboutChatsworth RoadChesil GardensCheviot AvenueCheviot RoadChuckers RowChurchChurch DriveChurch Road EndChurch StreetCity Railway StationClayhills GroveClay LaneClough RoadClovelly AvenueClovenstone RoadCluny ParkCochrane AvenueCockburn CrescentCockit HatCocklaw StreetCoillesdene CrescentCole StreetColinton Mains LoanColinton Mains RoadColinton VillageCollins Green FarmColliston RoadColonel'S RoadColumbine WayCommon RoadCommunity CentreConcorde WayConcrete WorksConnaught DriveCorriemoillie Farm Road EndCorriemoillie Lodge Road EndCottage InnCouldoran Road EndCouncil BuildingsCourthill ChapelCowpits RoadCraigs RoadCramond GardensCramond Glebe RoadCramond PlaceCramond RegisCranbrook RoadCrosswood CrescentCrown HotelCurlew WayCurriehill StationCurrie LibraryCurrie Primary SchoolCuttle BrookCypress GroveDaisy BankDalbeattie Street (Stop C)Dale Lane Brighton StDale Lane Lincoln AveDale Lane Wh Lee RdDalry Primary SchoolDavidson Way
DeanwayDelta DriveDelta RoadDenend CrescentDerbyshire Hill RoadDerwent StreetDick PlaceDingle AvenueDolphin AvenueDouglas AvenueDovecot GroveDovecot ParkDroylsden Football GroundDroylsden Wharf RoadDrummond HouseDrynie Park JunctionDuddingston AvenueDuddingston GardensDuddingston MillsEarlestown Bus Station (Stand 2)Earlestown Bus Station (Stand 4)Earlestown Station (Stop B)Earlstown Station (Stop A)Easter CurrieEaster Currie CourtEastfield GardensEdenhall RoadEdge LaneEdge Lane Metrolink (Stop A)Edge Lane Metrolink (Stop F)Edinburgh CollegeEdinburgh Park StationEdinburgh RoadEdward StreetEliza StreetElliot RoadFair-A-Far CottagesFair-A-Far ShotFairclough StreetFairfield Road (Stop D)Fair Isle Bowling GreenFairmile AvenueFairmilehead CrossroadsFairykirk RoadFaith GardensFarnell WayFa'Side AvenueFearnley WayFife CollegeFirrhill High SchoolFirthcliffe LaneFirthcliffe ParadeFirthcliffe Parade Firthcliffe GroveFirthcliffe RoadFisherowFisherrowFive Elms FarmFiveways Byron AvenueFleet LaneFordell WayForest Hill TurnForrester High SchoolForth ReachFoulis CrescentFraser AvenueFriday LaneFrogston AvenueGagarin WayGalt DriveGamekeeper'S RoadGammie PlaceGerards LaneGilmerton Dykes AvenueGilmerton Dykes CrescentGilmour StreetGlackmore JunctionGladstone RoadGlasnock Road EndGlebe StreetGlenalmondGlen Mor Road EndGlenview Road EndGogarburn A8Gogar RoundaboutGogarstone RoadGolf Course RoadGolf ViewGowanbank FarmGracemount Leisure CentreGrace StreetGransmoor RoadGranton ViewGranville StreetGray ParkGreat Newton StreetGreat North RoadGreenfield CrescentGreen LaneGreen Road RoundaboutGreenside LaneGrove RoadGrove StreetGrudie Power StationGyle Centre (Stop Kb)Gyle Centre (Stop Kc)Gyle Centre (Stop Kf)Gyle RoundaboutGyle SquareHailes GroveHailesland PlaceHalbeath BypassHalifax RoadHammond StreetHargreaves StreetHarley StreetHarris DriveHayfield CemeteryHayfield PlaceHaymarket Station (Stop Ha)Haymarket Station (Stop Hg)Hazel AvenueHeadington School (Stop B9)Headington Shops (Stop Hs2)Headwell AvenueHeald StreetHeckmondwike Hub (Stop H2)Hector Duncan CourtHelena RoadHelsby StreetHenderson StreetHendry RoadHermand StreetHermiston Gait Retail ParkHermiston Park & RideHertford StreetHighlea CircleHigh SchoolHigh StreetHigh Street (Stop A)High Street (Stop C)High Street (Stop L2)Hillier Street NorthHillside AvenueHill StreetHillview CrescentHoghton RoadHolborn PlaceHope LaneHope StreetHostelHotelHousesHutchison CrosswayHutchison PlaceHydrangea WayIndustrial EstateIngliston Park & RideIngs Rd Listing DriveInverness Justice CentreJackson StreetJames StreetJoy LaneJubilee RoadJuniper AvenueJuniper Green KirkJuniperleeKaimes CrossroadsKennedy CrescentKenyon LaneKessock BridgeKinauld HouseKingdom ServicesKinglassie RoadKing Malcolm HotelKings ArmsKingsgate CentreKingsknowe Park
Kingsknowe Road SouthKing StreetKirkton RoadLade BraesLady Anne CourtLaing LoanLairLanark Road WestLancots LaneLancotts LaneLangtree StreetLasswade GroveLaurel AvenueLauriston DriveLaybyLedgowanLedgowan Lodge HotelLegion CourtLeslie RoadLewis RoadLily LaneLinburn RoadLionel StreetListing Dr Ings RoadListings DriveLittlemoss RoadLittlemoss TerminusLivingstone RoadLoan Road EndLobley StreetLochcarron HotelLochcarron PrimaryLochgelly RoadLochluichart Lodge Road EndLochside CrescentLochside PlaceLodgeLodge Road EndLongfield RoadLord Williams Upper SchoolLotus GardensLovedale RoadLuib Road EndLynebank HospitalMacainsh Parish ChurchMagdalene DriveMain StreetMaitland Park RoadManchester Road (Stop A)Mannings Heath RoadManor StreetManse RoadMaple AvenueMaple StreetMarchbank DriveMaree PlaceMargaret Rose AvenueMarie Curie HospiceMarionville RoadMarket Place H5 (Stop H5)Market StreetMark St Albion StreetMark StreetMcculloch StreetMeadowbank HouseMeadowbank StadiumMeadow LaneMedlock StreetMelrose AvenueMemorialMendip GroveMerchiston Castle SchoolMesnes ParkMethven DriveMiddlebank StreetMilton Gardens NorthMilton TerraceMoat DriveMoir AvenueMoorfoot RoadMoorside StreetMorrisonsMortonhall Park AvenueMortonhall Park GardensMoss LaneMoston LaneMotion StreetMotorway Service Area (Entrance)Muirend AvenueMuirton FarmMuirton TerraceMuir Wood RoadMurieston CrescentMurrayburn ParkMurrayknowe FarmMuseumNeidpath PlaceNetherbeath RoadNether CurrieNetherton FarmNewbiggingNewmills RoadNew North Rd Beech GroveNew North Rd Westfield RoadNew North RoadNew North Road Leeds Old RdNew SwanstonNewton Heath & Moston Metrolink (Stop B)Newton Heath Terminus (Stop F)Newton HospitalNewton-Le-Willows Rail Station (Stop C)Nicholson StreetNorthfield CrescentNorth Gyle TerraceNorth High StreetNorth RoadNorth StreetNunroydNursing HomeOak AvenueOakfield StreetOak StreetOld Fire StationOldham StreetOld Wargrave RoadOrebank RoadOrmiston ParkOsmond DriveOxcars DriveOxford StreetOxgangs AvenueOxgangs LibraryOxgangs Primary SchoolOxgangs TerracePaisley DrivePalm StreetParish ChurchPark AvenuePark Avenue SouthPark DrivePark End Street (Stop D5)Park Hill RoundaboutParklands CrescentPark LanePark & Ride Arrival BayPark & Ride (Stance 6)Park Road SouthPeartree CrescentPeckers Hill RoadPeel StreetPeggy'S Mill RoadPenkford LanePennine DrivePentland View CourtPerrins RoadPhoenix BrowPinkie MainsPitreavie Business ParkPitreavie Golf CoursePitreavie Playing FieldsPlayer DrivePolice StationPoplar CrescentPortobello CemeteryPortobello High SchoolPost OfficePrimary SchoolPrinces Street (Stop Pd)Princes Street (Stop Pk)Princes Street (Stop Pn)Princes Street (Stop Pt)Princes Street (Stop Pz)Public ParkQm Hospital AccessQueen Anne High SchoolQueen Margaret Hospital (Front Entrance)Queen Margaret Rail Station
Queens Lane (Stop J3)Rachael CloseRailway StationRailway Station Stance A (Stance A)Railway Station Stance D (Stance D)Railway Station (Stop R1)Rannoch RoadRassal Road EndRedford BarracksRedhall ViewRedheughs AvenueRegent TerraceReginald RoadReid AvenueReid StreetRoad EndRobert Smith CourtRobertson Road PavilionRockvilla HotelRolling Mill LaneRosebery ViewRustic CottagesSampson StreetSandfield RoadSchool Road EndSeafield House Road EndSeafield RoadSea View (Stop B)Sea View (Stop C)Shabbington TurnShandon PlaceShandwick Place (Stop Sb)Shandwick Place (Stop Sf)Shiels CottagesShopShrewsbury RoadSidlaw StreetSlateford HouseSlateford StationSmithySorogold StreetSouthfield LoanSouth Gyle Crescent LaneSouth Gyle Trade ParkSouthhouse LoanSouth Road EndSouth StreetSpeedwell Street (Stop S1)Spittalfield RoadSpringbank TerraceSpringfield RoadSpringwell HouseSpylaw BankSpylaw Bank RoadSpylaw ParkSt Andrew'S HouseStationStation Road EndSt Clements Street (Stop C)St Clements WellsSt DavidsSt David'S Business ParkStewart RoadSt Finnian'S ChurchSt Helens Bus Station (Stand 8)St Helens Central Station (Stop A)St Helens Central Station (Stop B)St Helens Junction Rail Station (Stop A)St Johns ChurchSt John'S & St Columba'S ChurchSt Kilda CrescentSt Leonard'S Bus DepotSt Marys ChurchSt Michaels ChurchSt Ninians WayStone Park CornerStrathbran Lodge Road EndStrawberry CornerStuart PlaceSunnyside RoadSurrey AvenueSutton RoadSwanston RoadSycamore DriveTaylor StreetTelephone KioskTemplar'S CramondTerminusTesco SupermarketTeviot HouseThe Auld HooseThe AvenueThe BridgesThe BuccaneerThe FountainThe FoxThe FreewayThe PasturesThe Pear TreeThe PinesThe PloughThomas Thomson HouseThompson CloseThornhill Park And Ride (Stop B)Thornhill Park And Ride (Stop F)Thornhill RoadTickle AvenueTighchreigTollgateTorriegorrie Road EndTor ViewToscaig PierTower ParkTown HallTown HouseTrenchard PlaceTrinidad HouseTummel DriveTyrer RoadUlster DriveUnion Rd Huddersfield RdUnion Rd Wormald StreetUnion Road Smith StUnion StreetUppleby RoadValley Rd Arnold StreetValley Rd Ings CrescentViaduct StreetVictoria HospitalVictoria Hospital North GateViewfield RoadViewfield TerraceWallsgreen GardensWallyford Journey HubWallyford Learning CampusWallyford Primary SchoolWargrave RoadWar MemorialWaterdale CrescentWaterloo Place (Stop Zj)Water Of Leith CentreWaterstock TurnWayfarers DriveWellington StreetWellwood Community CentreWestburn AvenueWestcroft WayWester Hailes ParkWester Hailes RoadWestfield RoadWestgate (Stop E5)West LaneWest Maitland Street (Stop Hd)Westside Plaza (Stop 2)Wharton RoadWheatacre FarmWhitecraig AvenueWhitecraig CrescentWhite HeatherWhite Lee Rd Batley RoadWhite Lee Rd Kester RoadWhite Lee RoadWhitlea RoadWhyte StreetWilliams RoadWillow AvenueWillowbrae GardensWinton DriveWishaw TerraceWoodhall DriveWoodside StreetWorbarrow GardensWormald StreetWorrell DriveWorsley BrowWright Robinson Sports CollegeZetland Place
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